Chapter One

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(The picture is Aquamarine, I don't own these pictures, or bands. The person in the picture is Morgan Joyce)

Back to school the worst time of the year, I didn't want summer to end. I hate school it sucks all that ever happens for me at school is that I get bullied by my sister and thepreppy girls and the jocks. You think your sister would be on your side but not mine she doesn't take me as a sister, and I don't take her as a sister. My sister Sapphire has brown hair and blue eyes she is 17, she hates tattoos and piercings she listens to pop and music like that. There's me Aquamarine I have blonde and black hair and my eyes are brown I have tattoos and piercings I'm 16. I like going by Aqua though.

As I woke up the thought of school popped up in my head, I hated to go to school but I had to. I hated waking up early. I went to take a shower, as I was walking to the bathroom my sister Sapphire bumped into me "watch where your going you blind piece of shit!" She screamed at me. "Watch where your going asshole" I yelled. She just rolled her eyes and walked to her room. I got dressed into my black dress and I left my hair straight. I ran downstairs and grabbed an apple for my lunch. I got into my black mustang and drove to school. I walked into the building I could just feel people's eyes on me judging me. "Look the bitch is back!" Some guy yelled in the background. I just kept walking to my locker I look at my schedule, I let out a low sigh. My best friend Valary moved away with my brother Matt, he's in a band called 'Avenged Sevenfold' they play really good music. His band mates were also my friends. I miss them. While I was thinking of my brother someone shoved me. I don't bother to look to see who it was, because I already knew it was Gabe my sister's dumb, rude boyfriend. I just grabbed my books and when to English. In the class I sat by a girl named Amy. She seemed nice . We talked to each other for a while soon enough we were good friends.

*time skip*

I got home and my parents were gone, and Sapphire was at cheerleading practice. I had the place to myself for a while. I got on my laptop and watched some Pewdiepie. After like an 1 hour of watching videos I decided to check mail. I looked at all of them most for my mom, one for me. It was a letter, I didn't know anyone who would write to me. I grabbed the letter and walked up into my room. I started to slide down the wall, and I began to rip open the letter. There it was a letter from my best friend Valary, my eyes started to water. After the day I had I was glad to see someone still cared about me, or even thought about me.. I started to read the letter.

Aqua I know it's been a while since I talked to you. How was school? I'm sorry I had to leave you. But I got you something special. I love you and hopefully one day I'll be able to see you. I will try to visit you as soon as possible. You can come and visit me and Matt, anytime you want. We really miss you here. I really wish we can go and get you right now. We will try to visit soon, though. Be sure to write me back, I really miss having you around. I love you.

A surprise? I looked further in the envelope there lied a concert ticket to the nearest Black Veil Brides concert. My eyes bugged as I stared at the ticket, I wish I could go give Val a giant hug right now and thank her for the ticket. The concert was 2 days away. I had to go shopping tomorrow. Just then my parents and sister walked in, just great way to ruin the moment. "Aquamarine!" My 'dad' yelled. "What Joe?!?!" I never accepted him as my real father anyways. My real dad past away when I was about 4 years old. I never really got along with Joe, he's my mom's boyfriend. I tried to be happy for her when she met him, but we just don't get along.

 "Don't talk to your father with disrespect young lady!" My mum yelled. I just rolled my eyes and got up and locked the door so no one could bother me. I put the ticket in a safe place, this was gonna be fun. I almost couldn't even sleep, my mind was racing with thoughts about the concert. I cant believe that Val got me those tickets, she's seriously the best. I love her to death, I don't know where I would be without her in my life. I started to feel my eyes getting heavier, and heavier, everything started to go black. I  was able to sleep happily. 

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