Hat trick: Kung Lao

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Kung Lao: I hope your girlfriend's worth lord Raiden's anger, Liu Kang

Liu Lang: Notice that I am ignoring you

(Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and Echo look around)

Kung Lao: Hmmm... they must have relocated Kitana

(Sheeva, Baraka, and Noob Saibot enter the room)

Noob Saibot: We have indeed, we knew someone would come for her

(Echo fights Baraka in the background)

(Liu Kang fights Sheeva in the background)

(Kung Lao fights Noob Saibot. Noob Saibot's shadow magic and clones present a challenge for Kung Lao, but with his shaolin techniques and his bladed hat, he's able to defeat Noob)

Kung Lao: Be thankful that I do not choose to spill your tainted blood. Who are you? There is something familiar...

(Echo is still fighting Baraka)

(Liu Kang is struggling to beat Sheeva)

Kung Lao: Need any help? Four arms against two is hardly a fair fight

(Goro enters the room)

Goro: Liu Kang?! Rar!

Kung Lao: You have had your match against Liu Kang. Now you will face me!

(Kung Lao fights Goro. All four of Goro's arms are too much to keep up with defensively, so Kung Lao takes a risk and stays on offense, slowly wearing down Goro until his defeat)

(Liu Kang defeats Sheeva in the background with a fire blast)

Kung Lao: Now, if you have any honor left...
you will tell us where Kitana is!

Goro: She has been taken to the coliseum, where she has no doubt been executed. After, they plan to kill Skarlet and Rain

Echo: Didn't I kill Skarlet?

Goro: She survived, thanks to blood magic

Liu Kang: You lie!

(Liu Kang kicks Goro in the face)

Kung Lao: Wait. She may yet live, let us go

(Echo defeats Baraka with a side kick)

Echo: I'll follow your lead

(Kung Lao nods)


(Ermac defeats Smoke and Johnny Cage in a fight)

Shang Tsung: Ermac wins!

(Echo, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang arrive at the coliseum. Kitana, Rain, and Skarlet are being held captive)

Kung Lao: There's Kitana

(Kung Lao points to the prisoners)

Kung Lao: Skarlet and Rain are here too. Goro was telling the truth

Liu Kang: I must free her!

Raiden: Not now! Smoke and Johnny Cage have been defeated, and I no longer sense Jaxon Briggs' or Sonya Blade's presence in out world. Despite my doubts as to wether or not you are earth realm's savior, you must fight!

Liu Kang: But I am not he who must win

(Liu Kang walks over to Kitana, who is surrounded by tarkatans)

Shao Khan: Raiden! Put forth a worthy champion, if you can

(Raiden and Kung Lao look at each other)

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