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By the time Aditya made Nia to sleep, Naina had completed all her chores and gathered the three of them who were the in hall seated on sofa. Mixing a tea spoon of sugar, Naina forwarded a glass of milk to Pratap.

"Dad, milk"

"Thank you, my child" he gladly accepted it and started to sip it slowly as the milk was heated just enough for his liking. Neither too hot nor too cold. Just a bit more hotter than the luke warm.

After drinking the milk, he placed the glass on the table and looked at the younger couple who were seated right opposite to him and Archana and then looked at Archana to receive a slight nod from her indicating him to initiate the talk they had discussed about in the noon.

Nodding his head, he sighed. As it was about their children's life. These days no one would want anyone to interfere in their life. But as a father he was, he had the right to talk about his children's life. Especially when it was matter of happiness. If he wouldn't talk about it, then who else would? Would he leave his son to suffer for rest of the life? Would he just leave Naina to be aloof for whole her life? And then would he just be quite and see the forthcoming which Nia might have to suffer one day and then so on for her life? No, he wouldn't. He would do anything for his family's happiness.

"Adi, my child, I think it is high time we talk about your life" Pratap didn't ask or seek permission to talk, instead he said it authoratively that they will be talking right now. Whether he liked it or not. Whether he wanted to or not. For the first time, it didn't matter to Pratap. He was his father, he had the right to do so when his son who should have been happy instead of drowning in his married life.

Understanding that his father would not take a 'no' from him, he just nodded his head.

"Ah.... Naina, why don't we go and check on Nia once, while they finish talking, shall we?" Wanting to talk about the same Matti, Archana made her way towards Nia's bedroom along with Naina who followed her with her gaze fixed on the ground.

Upon entering the slightly dark room, Archana motioned Naina to close the door behind her and she did as told. As the glass door of the window was open with having its mesh door closed, the curtains flew from the blowing wind. The room wasn't completely dark. There was enough light for them to see eachother properly as the radium stars that were hung up on the ceiling, illumated light. Then there was also the street light that passed through the window leaving the room with a little bit of light. Just like the light illuminating from the lit candle.

Naina had made her way towards the window and stood leaning on the wall near it. While, Archana seated herself near the bedpost where Nia had her head placed on the soft pillow. Looking at her she smiled and caressed her head lovingly. The duet that had covered Nia, was now on the end of the bed while she slept like an octopus, spreading her arms and legs. Bringing both her legs together and gently nearing her small arms either side of her body and covered Nia's body with duet up till her neck.

Once she was satisfied seeing Nia who slept soundly, she shifted her gaze at Naina who had been standing all this while and walked towards her. Now facing eachother, they stood by the window.

"How's your work going on Naina?" She asked, initiating the talk.

"It's going much better actually, as the children are really great there." Naina, smiled looking at her concern filled face.

"That's good to hear. Otherwise, these days where do this little brats listen to their elders? Always notorious" Archana chuckled, placing her hand on Naina's arm for which Naina smiled.

"Now look at this small monster. How she's sleeping after giving her grandfather a tough day. she wanders from here to there and there to here all day long and does not even take the name of being silent. God knows, how will she sit in one place in her classroom. I am quite surprised that I haven't heard any complaints regarding this from her school." Archana spoke keeping her voice low as her gaze fixed on her sleeping granddaughter.

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