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"Naina? Wake up"

"No.... Let me sleeep"

"No, common now, get up or else you will be late for work"

Aditya removed the duvet she had covered herself into making her curl into a ball with the sudden breeze hitting her body. Stretching her legs and arms like a cat, she woke up and sat with her still droopy eyes.

"You are mean"

Mumbling, she went inside the bathroom to get freshened up.

It has been more than two months now since she had got fever. Everything was back to normal again. Nia and Naina both started to go to school and it was Aditya who dropped both of them and picked Naina.

In these two months, Naina has become the one to sleep more and it was Aditya who always woke her up. It wasn't her fault though, it was his warm comfort arms that made her feel safe and secure that she had no other thoughts entering her brain apart from to sleep while she heard his heartbeats.

Once Naina freshened up and came out, she didn't bother to change her night dress. She joined Aditya who was working out.

Naina had completely stopped running and Aditya had started to make her do meditation and yoga along with him doing his other exercises. But Naina would mostly get distracted by him and his naked upper body. She always wondered, why does he have to remove his t-shirt while working out? It has to be illegal!

She couldn't focus as she observed his each and every movement and the way he breathed in and out, the way his Adam's apple moved and the way his muscles showed for her to shamelessly stare at. By the end of their session, Naina would have done hardly three or four yoga and her face would be similar to that of tomatoes!

"We can keep doing this for whole day, but I wouldn't want you to miss your work"

Naina heard him speaking, looking directly at her while he doing pushups. Naina slapped herself mentally for staring at him when he can clearly see her doing it.

"I wasn't staring at you"

Naina mumbled and looked away from him and continued with her Asana.

"Yes, yes, you were ogling at me right?"

"No, I wasn't"

Naina hissed at him and once she was done, she quickly grabbed her clothes and rushed into the bathroom making Aditya chuckle.

Chuckling, he laid his back on the mat and ran his hands through his hairs. There were so many things that were changing fastly. But he was happy with the changes though.

He clearly remembered, after the new year party, Naina had been trying by so many ways to just ask him if he talked with Monica or did she talk to him or did anything happen. She was so nervous as if she was going for an Viva exam!

But she did look cute with the constant pout on her face. He couldn't tell how he was enjoying to see her all worked up as she kept on trying to get answers by asking so many silly questions.

As Naina stared at him, he neared her as she was standing in front of her the mirror. Nearing her, his hands traced along the sides of her hands up to her shoulder and placing his hand over there, he pulled her to himself such that her back was touching his front.

He had then said to her, "I hold interest in no one, but my wife Naina"

Looking right into her eyes in the mirror, he continued.

"You have every right to ask me anything and know everything about me. No matter how many women out there try to get my attention, but for me, it's always going to be you.

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