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Naina and Aditya still sharing a hug, where Naina's hands clutched onto sides of her dress, Aditya had his arms circling around her waist.

"Affection and care?"

He heard her muffled voice as her face was pressed on his chest.

Breaking the hug, still holding her waist, he looked at her.

"Yes, don't you feel anything for me? For us?"

"Aditya, do you feel anything for me?"

She asked him back, blinking at his question.

"Yes, I do. In fact I was a fool to not acknowledge my feelings for you back then"

Hearing him confess, Naina released herself from his grip and laughed, while he questioned himself whether he had cracked a joke for her to laugh?

"Oh really? You are not kidding with me right now?"

She asked with a blank face.


I thought you were kidding with me, because I am always an immature kid right?"

She asked with her face turning stern and hurt.

"No, Naina. I..."

Aditya couldn't form a single word to say that she has misunderstood him and his words.

"I really do, Naina"

He whispered.

"Really? I am like amazed to know that! How?

I- I mean how?

Like all those years, I never existed and now all of a sudden you are telling me that you have been liking me from so many years back?

Like even before we got married?

Or like even more before you for married to Komal?"

Hurt by the way she was proposing questions, he remained silent.

"Call it a male ego Naina, but I really did like you and I still do."

"Me? someone who is so impulsive and takes irrational decisions and not to forget an immature child, that's what you said right, When mom was asking you marry me? Now all of a sudden, your dictionary is changed for me?"

He looked at her, how she's was being unbelievable.

"Naina, for god's sake, just listen to me!"

He screamed, as he neared to her making her flinch at the raise in his voice. Seeing her flinch, he breathed in and out and softened his voice at her.

She turned away from him.

"Naina, I am being honest.

Whatever happened in school, I thought it was childishness and then I had board exams, I had plans and expectations. Though I somewhere felt like I liked you, I was not that mature to understand those feelings.

Even when I passed out from the school, you haunted me!"

He laughed remembering his teenage days.

"Can you imagine? I had started to hallucinate seeing you everywhere!

I mean that's really crazy right?

And Rajesh was like 'Bro, you have fallen in love!'

While I called it a childish infatuation."

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