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In a blink of an eye, Naina was hovered by Aditya's family members as they greeted her and introduced themselves one after the other. But for Naina it was getting difficult to even keep their names in her mind, as there were many people.

All of a sudden, Naina felt being squished in a tight hug where she stilled frozen in her spot.

"Welcome, Bhabhi!"

She heard him greet her excitedly.

She only wished for Aditya to help her in this situation as her hands were gone too numb to even push the person. Her eyes searched for his, to only see him having surrounded by so many people that he couldn't even see Naina.

Then in a minute, she was detached from the hug and saw a girl, age of around twenty. She looked bright even in the simplest attire.

"What is this Bhai? I have been waiting for whole one minute to meet Bhabhi and you-"

"Oye, choti, shush! She's my Bhabhi! She's going to be in my team! You know, after all I am the only handsome, single devar ( younger brother-in-law) here. No one can snatch the rights from me!"

"Ho! You schemer! If you are handsome and single, then even I am beautiful and single! She's going to be with me! Right Bhabhi?"

Naina looked at both of them quarrelling and she had no idea of what they were even speaking about.

"Team?" Naina thought looking at their mouse and cat fights.

Just when the boy was about to put his arm around Naina's shoulder, Aditya stepped in between them stopping the boy to do so. He had observed her uncomfortableness long ago. It's just he couldn't get away from his people easily. But he did it even if it took time for him to get away from his cousins and their spouses and their children.

"What's going on here?" Aditya asked.

"Adi Bhai? Look at him na, he is taking Bhabhi in his team! Tell him, she's is going to be in mine, right Bhai?"

The girl asked smirking at the boy, who glared at her.

"Um... Who are these?" Naina asked.

"Offho! My bad! In the middle of all these, we forgot to introduce ourselves. Sorry Bhabhi!" The boy smiled sheepishly at Naina.

If the boy was not so tall, she would've thought him as a small kid right now, which is how he looked at her.

"I am Adhiraj Rathore, your only handsome and single devar!"

"Oye! Stop hitting on Bhabhi. She's already taken. Who knows you might even get habituated to someone's punches, if you don't stop."

The girl said smirking at the boy who introduced himself as Adhiraj, who looked at his brother, Aditya staring at him innocently but he knew that innocent look which says 'never-mess-with-me-and-mine'. Gulping, he laughed nervously.

"Hehe-he, I was just telling that now she's our family.

And my Bhabhi!

My favourite brother's wife!

And you already know how the relation between devar and Bhabhi is, right?

Like, mother and child?!"

It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"Oye, enough! Naina, he is one hell of a childish and notorious and manipulative, yet my brother. Beware of him."

Aditya said chuckling and continued.

"And she is, Sowmya."

Naina remembered about her mother-in-law mentioning the same name over and over again this morning.

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