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Oml I can't  believe  what I am seeing. I personally  think  my writing sucks but I didnt think that people actually  liked my writing over 100 reads!! Omg this is amazing. This is one of the first of my decently written stories  between two characters. I can't thank you all enough  for taking  time out of your day to sit down and read the two chapters  of this book. I know  you  guys are odviously wanting more  but I am a bit  busy  seeing as how the last two months of my school got canceled. By that I mean everyone is working  from home and it sucks. This has been  a big pain to deal with and hope that every one who is currently reading  this hasn't experienced any losses of family due to this virus  and if you have I am so sorry and hope  that reading this story  helps. Please  everyone stay safe this may be one of the most difficult times to be alive but we are in this together. 
Lots of love


Semimaru x Natsu  (Birds in flight)Where stories live. Discover now