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There was a time, long, long ago,
Part of a different life altogether;
When there was no anger in me, and no ego,
Only an open mind and a heart like a feather.

That life, when I had so many friends,
Or so I had thought they were,
Until in their behavior towards me made so many amends,
Until in the garden, I was just a lone flower.

They had promised a billion times,
That they were friends and that they would care,
And that I should forget their little crimes,
If I wouldn't, they would go away, and the rest would be nightmare.

I was scared and also desperate ,
I knew they were a lie, but also, what was I without them?
For they could make me an outcast, yes, they had the ability to separate,
But I also knew that the Queen's crown is always best with only one studded gem.

I knew they were poison for my soul,
So I questioned them, alas, I lashed out,
And they did it, they tore open a hole,
Then, I realized that there was truth in my doubt.

I was astonished for I had never known,
How many people were against me;
These many haters, when had they grown?
They threatened me to flee.

Would I? No, I will not;
So what if I was alone, I still have myself in me,
I can shatter, but my hope cannot,
I can work better with only an 'I' and I do not need a 'we'.

It's a dare for me, and I can win,
Because I am not alone, as you might think;
There is a little voice within,
And you can trust my word, to nothing you will have to shrink.

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