Fight: Part 4

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Tony, Peter, and I landed on a rooftop, where I assumed my father was being held. We peered in through the skylight, only to find my father sitting in a chair. He was violently coughing and visibly shaking. It pained me, and I turned away, closing my eyes. Peter put his hand in mine, making me look at him. "We'll get him back, Kate," he whispered. "What's the plan, Mr. Stark?"

"Alright, Kate, you said Samantha takes after me?"

"Yeah, she really admires you," I replied, looking to him, then back through the skylight.

"Then I'll take her on. You two get your father and immediately take him to the hospital. Whatever she's given him needs to be counteracted right away."

Peter and I nodded as Tony gave us the layout of the building. He entered through the "front door" as he called it, shouting out. "Hello, Samantha. It's Tony. I don't know you, but I heard you know me."

Peter and I opened the skylight window, allowing me to float down onto the second floor, which overlooked the first. Peter jumped down, making as little noise as possible. I picked up Peter, carrying him with me as we hovered down to the first floor. I rushed to my father's side. He was having trouble breathing to begin with, let alone the forced coughing and blood coming from his mouth. I put my hand to his cheek as Peter untied him. "You're going to be alright, dad..." I whispered. "I love you..."

My father couldn't respond, only a groan escaping his lips. We helped him stand, allowing me to conjure a portal to the hospital supply room. We carried him though, the portal closing behind us. I made sure to blur my face and voice and Peter made sure his mask was on.

We burst out into the emergency room. I scanned it, seeing Dr. Palmer at the nurse's station. "Dr. Palmer!" I cried out, getting her attention. She abandoned her paperwork as she looked up, rushing over to my father, who was still coughing and trying to breathe. "Please, she gave him something, something that would kill him! He doesn't have much time left, please help him!"

Without a word, she helped lead him to a gurney, then they wheeled him away. I tried to follow but a nurse held me back. "Let the doctors work, please."

"Please, I'm his-"

"No visitors. Go sit down, Dr. Palmer will see you in a bit to asses his situation."

I sighed, turning to Peter. He gently took my hand, leading me to a bathroom. Luckily, it was a one room bathroom so we could both go in it. I let the spell dissipate, my face and voice returning to normal. My robes shifted back into clothes and my cloak wrapped around me as a sweatshirt. Peter took off his mask, hugging me to him. "I'm sorry sorry, Kate, this would've never happened if it wasn't for me."

"No, no!" I said, pulling away to look at his face. "This isn't your fault. She was just using you. She wanted to get to my father. This was all she really wanted."

Peter hugged me tightly and I let out a shaky breath.

"Hey, do you think I could run home and change real quick?" He asked, pulling away. "Otherwise I'd kind of have to be Spider-Man the whole time."

I laughed a bit, wiping my wet eyes. "Sure," I replied, opening a portal to his room. He stepped through and grabbed some clothes, changing. I threw his mask at him. "Don't forget that."

He laughed a bit. "Thanks Kate. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I smiled as he stepped back through, closing the portal. I hugged him tightly and he gave me a small, reassuring kiss before we stepped back out. We entered the waiting room, sitting in chairs against the wall.

After an hour or so, Dr. Palmer walked in to find us. I stood and she seemed to recognize me, walking over. Peter held my hand gently, ready for whatever news she was going to bring.

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