The Victim

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(A/N) If you are triggered by any form of abuse, please skip over this chapter. If you or someone you know is being abused, please call a hotline for help or contact emergency services if necessary. Please stay safe out there.

It was something of a normal day. I sat down in Chemistry with a sigh. Peter sat on one side of me, Jackson sitting on the other soon after. 

Jackson was a quiet kid, someone people never really noticed. He was really smart though, as far as I knew. He talked to me and Peter fine, but he wouldn't talk to many others like he did to us. I smiled as he sat down beside me. He was a grade ahead of me, so chem was the only class we had together. He gave me a small smile back before pulling out his laptop. I glanced, seeing beautiful art. He quickly closed the program and pulled up his notes. I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, causing him to flinch.

I tipped my head slightly as he turned to me, but decided not to mention it. "I love your art, Jackson."

"Thanks..." he mumbled, blushing a bit, though he kept his gaze turned away from me.

"Is everything okay...?" I asked gently.

"It's fine..." he said softly, trailing off and gripping his pencil.

I glanced to Peter, knowing something was up. While Jackson talked to us fine, he never really admitted his true feelings. Peter and I could both tell when he had something on his mind, but he always made up excuses.

I looked up as the teacher explained some project we had to do. Apparently, we had to make moles for "Mole Day." I sighed and shook my head, listening for my assigned partner. When I heard mine and Jackson's names called together, I looked to him and smiled. He smiled a bit as well, writing something down in his notes. He also pulled up his art program again, this time to a blank page.

After class, I asked Jackson if he wanted to come over after school, but he said he would have to call his dad to find out if it was okay. I nodded and told him to let me know. I caught up with Peter, holding his hand and cuddling into his arm. "I wonder what's wrong with Jackson..."

"I'm not sure, Kate..." Peter replied gently. "Maybe you can ask him later when you work on your project." He squeezed my hand comfortingly.

I nodded in response, then kissed his cheek as I moved to my own class.


I threw my backpack over my shoulder and escaped my last class of the day. I went to my locker, but as I opened it, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Glancing over, I saw Jackson, smiling as I greeted him. "Hey, Jackson."

"Hey... My dad said he wants me home... but... I mean... We'll have to work on the project... Uhm..."

I gently put a hand on his arm, which made his eyes flick to my hand. I took it away, seeing as it seemed to make him nervous. "Well... Can you stay after in the library maybe tomorrow? Or could I come to your house?"

"I... I guess... But... You probably don't want to..."

"Why not?" I asked, concerned.

"I... Don't know... You can come over if you want..."

I tipped my head. "I... Guess? Do you walk?"

"Yeah," he replied, seemingly on edge.

"Jackson, I don't want to make you uncomfortable... Would you rather work on the project a different day? Or when we could stay after school or go to my house?"

"N-No, it's okay..."

"Only if you're sure."

"Mmhm..." he hummed, looking away.

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