Shrink, Shrank, Shrunk: Part 3

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When we finally arrived at Dr. Pym's lab, it was seemingly a building in the middle of nowhere. I followed Scott inside, him carrying my biggest suitcase while I carried my smaller one. We walked up to one of the rooms and inside was Dr. Pym with a younger woman. I assumed she was the daughter Scott had mentioned earlier. I smiled a bit, walking up with Scott.

"I got her Hank," Scott said. "Wait... No, I don't mean-" Scott started rambling. He was a lot like Peter in that way. I laughed a bit.

"Katelyn Strange," I said, cutting Scott off and sticking out a hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."

"And you as well," Dr. Pym said. "This is my daughter, Hope."

I shook Hope's hand next. "Hope Van Dyne, it's nice to finally meet you."

I nodded a bit to her, then backed up next to Scott. "So," I said. "What's on the agenda? Nobody really told me why I was coming here, just because of my high grades."

"Well, we were going to ease you into this, but since you asked," Dr. Pym replied, glancing to Hope.

"We need your help, sorceress," Hope continued.

"Something has been stolen from us," Dr. Pym said. "Something very important."

"Wait, hold on a minute," I said. "So you brought me here on purpose under the ruse that I was one of the best students in my tech class?"

"You are one of the best students," Dr. Pym assured.

"But you only chose me because of my sorcery."

"We need your help. Outside help is always appreciated."

"Oh, no, I'm done. I don't want to be dragged into your battles too. Dad told me to stay out of trouble. Besides, how did you know about me?"

"Believe it or not, your heroics in your school made it to California."

"They couldn't prove that," I countered. "Nobody can. And what about those students that testified?"

"Probably bribed or blackmailed."

"You think too little of us."

"Memories wiped," Scott chimed in.

"Or rather, replaced," Hope finished.

"We did what had to be done. So now the whole nation thinks I'm a sorceress because of some fake news with no facts?" I groaned and shook my head.

"No," Hope replied. "But word among superheroes gets around quickly. Nobody knew Strange had a daughter."

"That's not the point," Dr. Pym said. "The point is we need you to perform that on someone for us. They saw Scott getting into his suit and shrinking. They know that he's Ant-Man now."

I blinked a few times, then scoffed in disbelief. "You want me to replace the memories of someone because Scott was careless?"

"Hey!" Scott said.

"Yes," Hope replied. "Katelyn, please."

"I don't think so," I said. "Actually, absolutely not."

"Please, Katelyn!" Hope pleaded.



"I said no! No matter how much you plead me, I won't do it."

"Kate, let me tell you something," Scott said.

"I don't want to hear it," I replied. "I can't do the spell anyway. I haven't studied that complex of sorcery yet. My dad did the spell. If anything, you need him, not me. Now if that's the only reason I'm here, go stick me back on the plane and-"

My phone cut me off, loudly ringing in my pocket. I found this odd, knowing I had Do Not Disturb switched on. I pulled it out, seeing my father's contact pop up. I swiped to answer it, turning around and walking out the door and into the hallway for privacy.

"Katelyn," my father said calmly.

"Dad, they only brought me here to do a spell for them. Apparently all the superheroes know about my sorcery and-"

"Kate!!!" My father all but shouted on the other end. I stopped my ranting, completely shocked. My father never yelled like that. I stayed silent and waited for him to speak. "Katelyn, listen to me. I want to tell you this right now. I want you to stay where you are, aka, don't rush to get a flight home or anything."

"What...?" I whispered.

"Kate, something's happened to Peter. He's in the ER right now, has been for a while. They're doing emergency surgery."

A knot formed in my throat, hot tears began welling in my eyes, which I tried to blink away. "What happened...?" I could barely get it out loud enough to hear.

"He was shot in a bank robbery. The guys have been taken into custody thanks to him, but Peter isn't doing so well."


"No, he wasn't. He was helping one of his neighbors with something."

"Good," I squeaked. At least that was another complication we didn't have to worry about.

"As for what Dr. Pym wants from you, I don't know. Just don't do anything rash and try to keep yourself out of trouble as much as you can. I know that's hard for you, but-" A voice on the other end of he phone cut him off.

"Dr. Strange!" It called out. I recognized it as Peter's Aunt May.

"I'll call you later with updates, okay?"

"Okay..." I whispered. "Bye dad..."

"Bye, I love you Kate." My father hung up, probably addressing a frantic May on the other end and possibly a stoic Tony Stark.

I wiped my face, squeezing my eyes shut. Taking deep breaths, I walked back into the room where Dr. Pym and Hope were working. Scott looked at me solemnly. "Are you alright?" Dr. Pym and Hope turned around, looking concerned as well.

"Fine," I managed. "I'm sorry for my behavior, I just got frustrated." I walked over and shook Dr. Pym's hand once more. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I'll do all I can to help you."

Dr. Pym nodded. "Thank you. Scott will show you to your room now."

"Thanks," I said with a small sigh as I followed Scott with my luggage.

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