Lockdown: Part 2

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"I don't know what's going to happen now..."

That's when I saw my father, among other concerned parents. He looked at me sympathetically, but I only glanced at him for a brief moment before shifting my eyes back to the ground.

We stood in the courtyard of the school for what felt like forever. Finally, we were dismissed and allowed to go with our parents. Peter and I held hands as we approached his aunt and my father. He squeezed my hand gently before breaking off to hug his aunt. I walked slowly to my father, not sure how I was going to get out of this one. Tears formed in my eyes as ashamedly stared at our feet. However, he gently grabbed my arm and pulled me into a tight hug. I sniffed and clung to him, burying my wet face into his shoulder. "Dad..."

"Oh, Katelyn..." he whispered. "You did what you had to..."

I pulled back to look at his face. "Y-You..."

"Some of the kids were being interviewed by the local news over there. I knew it was you."

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I put my head down on his chest. "What are we going to do...?"

"I'm not sure yet," he replied. "But we'll figure something out."

Peter walked over, putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. I hugged him tightly, but when I pulled away, I spoke solemnly. "Peter... You... Probably shouldn't be seen with me anymore..."

"Kate..." he said, then stopped to think for a moment before speaking again. "Does this mean we're breaking up?"

"No!" I exclaimed, gripping his clothes tightly. "No... just... just... I don't know..." I hugged him tightly once more.

After a second, he pulled back and kissed me gently. "I'm here for you, Kate..."

"I know..." I whispered. That's when a mob of people with microphones and other recording devices surrounded me, my father, May, and Peter. I backed away behind my father and Peter, closing my eyes because of all the blinding lights from their camera flash. My father pushed them back, playing dumb with it all. He denied anything they accused of me having superpowers, as did Peter.

"All the students in there think they saw something they didn't," Peter said.

"Katelyn was brave enough to stand up to him, but it didn't involve magic," my father confirmed.

"Katelyn, we want to hear it from you!" One reported shouted amidst them all.

"Yeah, tell us what really happened!" Another yelled.

That's when I suddenly got some courage, moving up to the front. The reporters quieted themselves as they got ready to listen. I took a breath, then began.

"The truth is... This man invaded the building and came into our classroom. I knew I couldn't just stand idly by, so I stood in front of my classmates to protect them, and stared him down. The man seemed to understand my determination and bravery and admire it. So, he turned himself into the police," I said.

The reporters suddenly roared with questions, but my father and Peter escorted me away, May tagging along. We all moved down the street and to my father's car. Apparently, he'd also driven May there. Peter and I were about to get into the back when a car pulled up, Tony Stark in the back seat. I sighed a bit and walked over to him, not sure what was exactly to come, but knowing it probably wasn't the best.

Tony motioned for me and Peter to get into the back, waving to my father and May before rolling up his window. I have my father an apologetic look before getting in the back with Peter. I leaned my head on his shoulder and intertwined it fingers as Happy drove off through the city. I was silent as we watched the news report on the little screen in the back.

"So," Tony said. "You're now a public hero." I stayed silent, not sure if he was going to scold me or congratulate me. "You know, you were right to try to hide your identity, but you're going to have to do something about those kids who saw you, and the teacher as well. Not to mention your cloak."

I sighed a bit before speaking. "Please spare me the lecture, I'm probably going to get the same thing from my father."

"Not lecturing you, just congratulating you on becoming a public hero. It's not easy."

"But I don't want to be!" I all but screamed, clenching my hand tightly with Peter's. It's a good thing he has super strength, otherwise I might have hurt him.

"Then wipe their memories. I could do it for you."

"That's too suspicious," I replied. "Suddenly nobody remembers the accident? No, we can't do that."

"Fine..." he hesitated before speaking again. "What exactly can your magic do?"

"Sorcery," I growled, not in the mood for his banter.

"Hey, I'm just saying kid. You're in a situation; you need help. Just trying to help you out... You ever seen Frozen?"

"The movie?" I replied, curious and confused.

"Yeah. Remember when the rocks took the girls memories and replaced them with snow ones?"

It took me a moment to recall the scene, but when I did, I perked up. "Happy," I addressed. "Can you please take me home?"

"Whoa, what?" Tony asked, seemingly offended. "I give you a-"

"I can't do it, but maybe dad can," I replied, cutting him off. "I'm still learning, you know."

Tony chuckled a bit as the car stopped. "I suppose. Now, out with you two. I can only stand you so long," he said, looking out his own window.

Peter and I looked at one another, rolling our eyes. We knew Tony loved us and would do anything for us. As we got out, I all but sprinted into the sanctum and into the library, knowing I could find my father mediating there. Peter followed behind me, and we soon found my father. "Dad!" I cried out, running to him. He quickly got into a position to catch me, hugging me tightly. "Dad!" I exclaimed again, pulling away from him. "Is there a spell to replace or alter someone's memory?!"

My father's eyes widened a bit, then he pulled out a book from a nearby shelf, opening it and flipping through its pages. I could tell he was memorizing it on the spot. When he looked back up at me, he nodded. "I need a list of everyone who was in that room and where they live."

"Done," I replied, masking my face and voice before changing into my robes and cloak and flying off. Peter quickly changed into his outfit and slung after me, meeting me on the roof. "You do guys, I'll do girls?"

"Yep," he replied, slinging away with a notebook and pen in hand that he must've gotten from his backpack. I grabbed my own paper and pen from my room quickly before flying to all the girl's apartments and houses, writing down their names and addresses. I met up with Peter on the other side of the city and we compared lists. He handed his to me.

"What about the teacher?" I inquired.

"Not sure," Peter replied. "Let's see if we can snoop in the school files."

"The school will be crawling with officials. There's no way-"

"Trust me, Kate..." he replied, lifting his mask and landing a kiss on my cheek before putting it back down and slinging away. Meanwhile, I flew to the sanctum once more and entered through my window. That's when I heard voices. I let my cloak and robes shift back to my normal everyday clothes before walking downstairs, letting my spells dissipate.

My mistake.

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