Chapter 1: Waking Up

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(A/N Hello, hello my lovely peeps, can I call you peeps? This is my first ever completed story! Please feel free to post any criticism or feedback in the comments. I will always read it! Thank you so much for reading! Enjoy!)

It was cold. That's the first thing I remember. Wait... no it's not. If I strain really hard I can see a glimpse of... I think it's snow? And there are... hands. Not the hands that are currently in front of my face, but they are also shivering. These hands don't have swirling tattoos on them and they are quite a bit smaller than these ones. Is this me? Or am I the looming shadow over this small, shivering being? I try to get up to see my surroundings but fall instantly. I look over to see why and immediately regret it. My legs are not fully formed. They look normal at the top, then get skinnier, ending in sharp points that I can see moving and growing. I turn right around and throw up into the empty whiteness. Huh... I didn't notice that before... it's completely white here. I then look down and notice that I appear to just be floating. There seems to be no ceiling, floor, or walls. Just... white. The bile that I just projected is a black, blobby mess that just floats there. It seems there isn't much gravity here either. It's then that I hear the ringing. Not coming from any particular place, but like it's coming from inside my skull. I gasp a little as an ache in my chest makes me almost double over. I rip open my jacket, then my shirt, exposing my ribs. There, where I somehow knew a SOUL should be, was nothing. Just an empty ribcage. I groaned as my legs were starting to finish up growing to normal size. I scrunched my eye sockets closed. I could remember something else. Something that made my empty ribcage ache again. A wide-eyed little thing, giggling and running through more snow. While another that looks quite similar throws circles of snow at it. I can't see much more than that, but the expressions on their faces fill me with a deep ache. I don't know what it was, but it hurt badly.

... I... I have no idea how long it's been. There seems to be no passage of time in this place of white. My clothes somehow mended themselves after I had ripped them and I've just been pretty much floating around since my legs have fully formed. I feel empty. I feel the occasional throb near where I think a stomach should be... how long has it been since I ate? What did I eat? Where the fuck am I anyway? All this white silence is getting to me. Even the black bile seemed to just vanish. Now it's just me. Even the clothes I'm wearing seem colorless. Just a lighter shade of white than the rest of the surroundings. I can kind of move around if I use my arms to propel myself, but even that has already lost its glamour. I don't know what I'm doing here, but I wish something, anything would make a noise. Even the ringing in my skull had disappeared so the silence was deafening. I opened my mouth and made a squeaking noise. I hardly heard it myself. There was no echo, nothing, just the sound before it was gone. I sighed quietly, slowly rotating through the empty nothingness.

... It's been so long... but maybe it hasn't? I don't know. I could have been in here for little more than an hour for all I know. Then something new finally happened. My feet touched something like a floor! I excitedly put my foot down. Yes! It was a floor! I jumped up in the air, but quickly got spooked and moved quickly back to the floor. I lay down on it. 'Something solid. Ah, that feels so nice right now.' I thought to myself. It's strange. Gravity seems to work while I'm on this "floor", but not when I go back into the air again. I wonder why that is? I stood up, my legs are a little shaky, but I don't fall. This floor was the exact same color and shade as the air and I would hate to lose it. I took a step. Then another. Soon, I was flat out running. It felt so good to work myself! I pelted flat out, jogged, even did a few flips I was so happy. I started to notice just how fast I was going. I could never remember anything being this fast, true I didn't have much of a memory to begin with, but wow. I could feel the shirt whipping against my ribs and could even practically see the air maneuvering around me. I could assume that, to an outsider, I was nothing more than a blur of white and a little black. I finally stopped running after a while. I wasn't even breathing harder than normal. True, I didn't seem to have lungs at all, but this was amazing! I sat down and pulled up my sleeve. Those markings on me confuse me a lot. What could the spirals possibly mean? I suddenly had a splitting headache. It seemed to hit me from behind so suddenly. I could practically feel cracks moving up and down. Somewhere, somehow, someTHING was being... destroyed... ripped apart. I could hear its screams, its terror, almost as my own. I curled up, breathing heavily. Whatever this was, it had tired me out way more than I knew any run could. Then, just as suddenly, it was gone. I knew that whatever it was had been ripped from existence, and there was nothing I could do about it.

It was a while later... I think. When something finally changed. A small noise, little more than a whisper really, but I knew it was huge

"Hey, you shouldn't be here..."

An Unwanted Glitch Like Me (ErrInk) ~Completed!~Where stories live. Discover now