Chapter 10: The End

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Error's view:

I had finally gotten Nightmare to leave when I hear a long, low scream. It sounds like it come from downstairs! I ran down gathering my strings. I saw Ink collapsed on the floor, clutching onto the bars and whimpering. He looked at me and I saw betrayal and hurt in his beautiful, teary eyes. I wanted to pull him close to me, but I knew he was hurting because of me. He looked down and glared at the ring on his finger, his hand shaking.

"There... there w-was a... r-reason you d-did this." He said quietly through silent sobs.

I nodded and sat beside him, careful not to touch.

"I... i dO aCtUaLlY HaVe FeElInGs fOr yOu InK." I sigh.

There was no way he'd be able to reciprocate those feelings. After all the times I tried to destroy him... but... Sci said that he could actually do a lot of damage. 73,000 I think it was. Maybe all the times we fought, he didn't actually want to dust me? Maybe, just maybe, he may feel something similar. Who am I kidding? Certainly not myself. I reach out with my strings and pull his paintbrush to me. I lay it beside him and bow my head, expecting to feel the dusting blow any second

Ink's view:

My arch nemesis, cowering before me. It was an insane rush of power, but it also broke me inside. These last few days... well, He could have killed me any moment. Maybe there was truth to those words. Could Error actually have feelings for me? But... I'm a glitch. He swore to eradicate all glitches. I need to know...

"Why...?" I say quietly, hardly a whisper.

He looks up at me and slowly sits up. 

"I... i DoN'T hOneStLy KnOw iNk."

He stands up and gets pretty close to my face, I grip my brush a little tighter.

"tHe MoMeNt wE fOuGhT i kNeW ThaT wE CoUlD wOrK tHiS oUt. yOu MaDe mE ReThInK eVeRyThInG. DeStRoYiNg, FiGhTiNg, gLiTcHeS... yOu ChaNgEd mE."

I dropped Broomie and stepped back, bowing my head.

"I... I can't. I can't return those feelings Error. I'm a soulless, pathetic excuse of a glitch. I can't give you what you want. I CAN'T feel ANYTHING for you!" I slammed my hand on the wall.

I back away even further, my eye flashing red and brown shapes. He's standing completely still as if I had smacked him. He steps towards me and tilts his head. Is he asking my permission to come closer? I slump back to the floor, that small outburst draining what little energy I had left from this broken form. He covers the distance between us in two steps and knelt beside me. He lifts my chin with one of his fingers so I'm looking into his eyes. He looks determined, but also nervous. Before I knew it, he was leaning in. He kissed me deeply, I could tell he was excited, but also scared. All too soon he broke it and stared at me.

"Agnh!!!" I cry.

I double over, it felt as if my ribs were fracturing. He's there, trying to help me. I gasp feebly and pull down my shirt. There, glowing as brightly as the sun, was a yellow SOUL. It was spinning so fast I thought it might be trying to escape. He gasps and reaches with his strings to steady it. It slows and starts beating at a normal pace, if not a little fast. He looks up at me with huge eyes, I stare back. We are both beyond shock and both of my eyes are flashing a flood of color and shapes. All at once, my blue eye returns to normal and my other eye is a yellow heart. Rainbow blush explodes across my face as we both realized at the same time what that meant, and for the first time since waking in the Anti-void, I am truly happy.

We stay sitting like that for a while, both too happy to speak. Eventually a thought hits me and I start to laugh. He looks worried until I tell him what's bugging me.

"Hah, hah. How... how am I g-gonna tell Blue and D-dream" I say between laughs.

He starts laughing too as he helps me up and we head to the base floor. We curl up close on the couch and happy tears are rolling down my cheeks. He wipes them away and we fall asleep in each others arms.

It went smoother than expected, Blue and Dream were happy for us. The Moon Sanses weren't as approving, but were glad that we wouldn't have to fight anymore. I'm terrifying when I'm mad, as Ruru lovingly pointed out. As for the SOUL thing, well that's just between me, Ruru, and Sci. I'm going to explore the AUs with Ruru and explore all of these new, stronger emotions. Looks like we both got a Happily Ever After, after all.

(A/N Hello, hello my lovely peeps. This is the last chapter of this story. Do not worry though! I, the magnificent Phoenix, shall provide more stories. Until then! Inside, is out!)

An Unwanted Glitch Like Me (ErrInk) ~Completed!~Where stories live. Discover now