Chapter 8: Cover story

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Error's view:

Of course, it all started when Kiki and I first met... heh... I still call him that in my head. He was so small, like a BabyBones, but more... mature I guess. He was so mad that I was destroying something. I guess I know why now... it was both physically and mentally hurting him. I didn't mean for that to happen. All I wanted was to help the glitched timelines break their loop. Once I met him... my mind started backtracking. The fact that destroying the timelines could hurt something so much more than the actual timeline shocked me. He was so strong too. Like a mad glitch. Course I know now that's what he is. I could see behind the glitch though. I could see the broken skeleton inside. I didn't recognize it at first, this feeling. After a while though, I knew that I loved him, nothing could change the fact once I acknowledged it. I tried to get close to him, learning his habits and tendencies, but he never saw me face too face unless we were fighting. I know his favorite color is green, he loves noodles, and when he's bored he'll doodle with a blue pencil. Short, an adorable laugh, and a hell of a masochistic side, makes him my absolute opposite and I love him for it. I feel really bad for making him live this hell just because Nightmare said so. When he attacked me that day I knew something was off and when I found him about to finish off Cross and Nightmare I did what I had to. I was secretly hoping for some kind of Stockholm Syndrome story, but what I got instead was actually much better. He doesn't remember me at all and with his memory wiped he seems to trust me completely. I'll have to forge a note to his friends telling them he's alright, but I could finally, finally have a happily ever after. I've just got to talk to Nightmare and the rest first.

After tucking Ink into bed and leaving him a note, I portal to Nighmare's mansion and walk inside. They are surprised to see me as it had been a while. Once we were all seated Nightmare and Cross almost immediately started telling me off for my wonky plan that almost got them dusted. I hold up a hand and tell them Ink's current predicament. Nightmare and Cross both have nasty grins that kind of make me uneasy, Horror is smiling slightly, and Dust looks like he just didn't give a fuck. I explain my plan to them and they all seem pretty excited. I mean, who wouldn't be excited if you could switch the "God of Creation" to your side of the battle? After we finalize preparations Cross and Horror start setting up some props to make it look as if Ink has been here before and I portal back home. I find Ink still asleep and I start grabbing some paints and brushes from different AUs. I finally get this house looking pretty cozy and have made some noodles. I place them on the bedside table and gently shake him awake.

"KiKi... WaKe uP." I whisper in his ear. 

He mumbles something about being comfy and rolls over blinking at me.

"Mmm. Kiki? What kind of nickname is that?" He mumbles sleepily.

"WhAt? dO yOu NoT lIkE iT?" I chuckle.

"What happened to me, Error? Why can't I remember any of this?" He sighed.

This was it, the moment I had spent the last few hours practicing under my breath. I finally had a believable cover story. I took a deep breath and pat his head.

"WeLl KiKi... yOu SoRt oF... wErE aTtAkeD NeAr tHe CorE. I oNlY jUsT MaNagEd tO ArRiVe iN TiMe tO cAtCh yOu wHeN tHe AttAcKeR pUsHeD yOu OvEr tHe EdGe. BuT WhEn i CauGhT yOu I nEaRlY lOsT mY BalAncE aNd YoU gOt yOuR hEaD sLaMeD oN tHe WaLl. ScI sAiD yOu HaVe A CunCuSsIoN. YoU MiGhT gEt YoUr mEmOrY bAcK, bUt ScI DoUbTs iT sAdLy."

He looks away and I sigh, grabbing his hand. I slip a ring onto his finger and touch my forehead to his.

"I mIsSeD yOu KiKi. yOu WeRe AsLeEp sO lOnG..."

He looks at me questioningly and glances at his finger with a gasp. He puts his hand to his mouth.

"Oh my gosh... Error... are we married?!? And I can't remember!?"

I nod slowly and he makes a sad choking sort of noise. He sits up quickly and wraps his arms around my neck, making me jump but I quickly cover it with some glitching noises.

"Oh Error! I'm sorry! I'll try my best to get my memory back. Promise! But until then I can just try to be the husband you remember!"

"HeH... ThAt'S aLrIgHt KiKi. YoU dOn'T HavE tO pUsH yOuRsElF fOr mE. JuSt LiE bAcK. mY fRiEnDs aRe WoRrIeD AbOuT yOu. We'Ll hAvE tO sEe tHeM LatEr, bUt FoR nOw, YoU NeEd ReSt."

I position him so he's against the wall and point to the noodles.

"EaT uP. i GoT yOuR FaVoRiTe. i'Ll bE rIgHt BaCk KiKi."

I get up to leave, but he hugs me once more, only for a moment this time.

"Okay Ruru." He giggles and grabs the noodles.

I look at him and squint.

"WhAt dId yOu CaLl mE?"

"Ruru. I obviously have a pet name, so it's only fair I get to call you one." He winks at me and grabs another mouthful of noodles.

I leave the room, my heart swelling with a joyous feeling that I only get from watching him. I head downstairs, feeling exhausted from the day's events and lay down on the couch. I grab a paper from the stack I had placed on the table earlier. I mimicked Ink's delicate handwriting on a note, trying to word it like him too.

Dear Blue and Dream, I'm alright and unharmed. I just needed to get away awhile. I'll be back when things settle down a bit. Don't worry about the Moon Sanses attacking for a while. I'm keeping them busy. 

With much friendship, Ink

I sighed and sealed the envelope. The thing about lying to the universe? There's only so long until the truth is exposed.

(A/N Hello, hello my lovely peeps! I am in the top 500 of ErrorxInk! Thank you so much to those who are making this possible! I could not do any of this without y'all! Thank you again! Inside, is out.)

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