Kisame Hoshigaki

282 8 27

Age: 35
Height: 6'5" (195 cm)
Blood Type: AB
Partner: Itachi Uchiha
Role: Enforcer
Aliases: Demon of the Mist, Swordsman of the Mist, Tailless Tailed Beast

Thank you for referring this subject for a psychological exam to decide if he's fit to stand trial.


Kisame grew up in Kirigakure, under the barbaric and fraught leadership of the Mizukage. He reports that his clan was ostracized due to their looks and being a minority, and this instilled in him a lifelong insecurity where he uses either violence or deflective techniques (sarcasm being the most prominent) to avoid.

Kisame reports that he grew up with his father who was a notorious womanizer and met an untimely end at the hands of an angry husband. There is an element of hero worship when he discusses his father and one questions if he's aware of the evil his father was capable of. Regardless, Kisame reports he was well taken care of by his father and states he "lacked nothing".

He doesn't answer direct questions about his mother but writer was able to do some digging and his mother died in childbirth under a cloud of suspicion.

He entered Kirigakure's Academy at a young age and excelled in swordsmanship and intelligence gathering. Being forced to slaughter his classmates in order to graduate has left him with a guilt complex that he flatly denies but is present nonetheless. One notable exception in the narrative is that he refused to kill Zabuza Momochi, a peer he developed a friendship and a rivalry with. This suggests that Kisame is capable of experiencing and expressing positive emotions although he often chooses not to.


He reports that he was promoted by the Mizukage for his "excellence and loyalty". He was assigned to the Cypher Department as a bodyguard and a mole to ensure the Department was loyal and keeping Kirigakure's information secure. He reports that being a double agent was "thrilling" and "important" and he engages in the conversation fully when discussing his work.

Kisame mentions a woman in the Department who he developed a kindness towards but refuses to say if the relationship was romantic or not. This formative relationship was terminated by his hand when he slaughtered the Department group he was with on a mission to ensure the "information didn't end up in the wrong hands". He reports that he didn't suffer any negative effects as a consequence of his actions, however, his refusal to engage in meaningful relationships from then on contradicts his statement.

After the slaughter of his Department, he was approached by Fuguki Suikazan who offered Kisame a job working for him. He accepted and became one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. After discovering that his Master was selling Kirigakure's information to the highest bidder, Kisame killed him and took possession of his former Master's weapon, Samehada.

When asked how he felt about this, the subject became nonchalant and dismissed this murder as "necessary" and refused to answer any more questions regarding this matter. He did state that he became "fond" of Samehada.


After murdering his Master, Kisame fled Kirigakure and became a rouge-nin, existing on the fringes of society and working for anyone who would pay him. He states he was approached by "Madara" with an offer to join the notorious criminal organization but didn't accept the offer right away. At this point in his life he reports that he was torn between wanting to free his clan from the oppression of Kirigakure and wanting to sever his ties with Kirigakure completely. He opted for the latter and joined the Akatsuki, turning his back on Kirigakure forever.


Kisame states that he was "fine" in the organization and that "life was pretty good and easy" despite being a hunted criminal. He reports that his Leader, Pein, took good care of his members and he had security and stability for the first time in a long time.

Eventually he was paired with Itachi Uchiha, a protege from Konohagakure, and he developed an easy going friendship with the much younger man. Writer questions if the relationship was purely a friendship or if there was an underlying element of love seeking from Kisame in this relationship.

He reports that Itachi was "easy to get along with" and fighting at his side was "fun" but it's worth being noted that Kisame allowed the younger man to take on the leadership role of their partnership willingly. This suggests an element of attention and love seeking from him that he refuses to discuss. In fact, when writer tried to explore this topic, Kisame threatened her with bodily harm should she delve too deep. Subject is noted to prefer superficial examination of his life and motives and becomes uncomfortable, angry and violent when attempts to uncover his true intentions and motivations regarding his behaviour are tried.

Kisame's noteworthy crimes during this period in his life are: attempted kidnapping of a minor, murder and reckless endangerment, espionage and possible homosexual involvement.


Since he has been in captivity, Kisame has been observed to be aloof, sarcastic and violent with both prison guards and other inmates. He was recently in solitary confinement for the murder of his cell mate whom he described as "annoying".

It is interesting to note that the cell mate was killed by a single bite to his neck, a particularly gory and bloody end. Kisame made no attempts to hide the body or the fact that the crime even took place. When asked why he chose such a visual method of killing, he replied "you know when you get a fresh, ripe, juicy peach? And you take that first bite? The flesh is soft and that squirt of juice hits your tongue...that's what I wanted. His neck was my peach".

Solitary confinement has not seemed to have had a negative effect on the subject. In fact, he relates that he prefers it because he enjoys the "quiet and peace" that comes with it.

He denies missing Itachi or any other members of the Akatsuki but writer questions the validity of this statement. Kisame's body language suggest he's both closed off and wanting some acknowledgment or physical touch. Writer tried once during this session to provide comfort to the subject but Kisame physically distances himself further from writer. Is it because writer is a woman? Or is it because writer saw and acknowledged his vulnerability?


Avoidant Personality Disorder
Pseudo Psycopathy


Subject is fit to stand trial and is aware the Nation is seeking the death penalty against him.

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