"I Wanna Be Beautiful"

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She stalked her victim quietly and thoroughly, following a circuitous route and doubling back to make sure she was not followed.

Her descent into madness had its origin in watching her God reject her and turn his attention, and affection, to the woman she was now hunting. She had been one of God's first followers, hanging onto his every word and interpreting his every action as his Divine Will that she personally felt she must fulfill. As a result she had climbed into Pein's Circles of Hell expecting to find enlightenment and peace upon every rung of delusion only to be met with crushing disappointment and uncertainty.

Following the soft imprints of feet to a clearing, her ears caught an enchanting melody. She ducked behind a tree and watched. There she was... alone and vulnerable.

Her adversary was bathing in a clear pool in the woods known to be frequented by the group's resident shark. She supposed that's how she found out about it, this slice of tranquility in a war torn land. Reaching around the tree she dug her nails into the bark and pulled. Her fingernails broke into jagged tips and the bark became damp with the blood from her abused fingers. Anger clouded her vision and her mind went to a dark place. A familiar places, yes, but a dark and twisted place nonetheless.

She stripped off her clothing and shoes, intending to make herself more silent and harder to fight. When her rival's back was turned, she crept out from behind the tree and stealthily and swiftly reached the edge of the pool and then slipped into the still blue waters.

Her eyes were fixed on the glistening water drops that flowed down her soon-to-be sparring partner's back and curves. She watched as they flowed down her back, temporarily pooling into the dimples on her lower back, before cascading down her curvy buttocks and back into the pool.

Reaching out her hand, with its jagged nails, grabbed a fistful of shoulder length purple blue hair and yanked back hard. She heard the woman gasp in shock and then hiss in pain before she pulled her close. She pressed her breasts into her rival's back and slashed at the woman's neck with her nails.

The pale skin soon reddened before it split open into deep cuts. The warm blood smeared onto her fingers she tried to stem the bleeding and counter the hand that was snaking around to grab her trachea and trying to crush it between it's fingers.

With eyes widened by shock, she knew she needed to flee. She was naked and had (foolishly) come to bathe here with just a thin silk robe, not thinking to pack her weapons or ask for a guard. She mentally cursed her inability to use her signature jutsu thanks to the chakra paralysis brought about by a difficult fight against a Hyuga a few days before.

God had been so angry that his Angel had been hurt that he personally hunted down, found, and murdered the man. He had then bathed his Angel in water that he himself had cleansed and then rubbed holy oil onto her skin.

"You have been restored," he murmured against her neck while leaning forward to cup her breasts in his hands. "Until Sasori and Orochimaru return from Konoha with how to undo this Hyuga curse, you are to stay at my side or one of the Akatsuki member's side at all times. Only in this way we can protect you."

She should have listened, she realized a little too late. And she should have obeyed, not snuck out. She was clearly at a disadvantage.

Gritting her teeth, she grabbed the hand searching for her trachea. One hand held the wrist firmly while her other hand came up, looking like she was going to give her attacker a high five, and lined its palm against her fingertips. She could feel the sharp nails scraping the skin of her palm. Before her attacker could react, she had slammed her hand forward, forcing the other woman's fingers to crack and then pop out of the joints of her hand and lay flat against the top of the hand. It looked unusual, to say the least.

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