Prologue: Project Red Eye

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No one saw it coming. It was what all of us feared and knew what was to come one day in the end. And that is destruction.

The year was 2035 and technology was at somewhat of what people would call a golden age. It was part of everyday life and was everywhere you went. Phones that projected holographic images which could connect you to the entire world in a matter of seconds. Screens that would light up the streets with advertisements or news broadcasts. Then there were the drones.

The drones were there to protect us from threats from in the country or outside. They would patrol the streets and skies 24/7. People were scared and uncomfortable at first but they soon would adapt and life moved on. Most people forgot about the drones or didn't mind them as they too became part of our everyday life in our technology golden age.

Crime went down to an all-time low as the drones helped catch and protect the people on the streets. Terrorism too became a thing of the past as the drones would spot them before they could do anything. Everyone forgot about the evil that lurked out there in the world still waiting for the right opportunity to strike. I did not though.

Soon after the drones, the United States government wanted to even take the technology a step further and make the world even a safer place. They then stepped forward and released on what they had been working on the past 20 something years and they called it Project Red Eye. An army of the most advance robots the world had ever seen and made for military purposes.

They could walk like humans and run like us. They could climb trees or buildings if told to do so or even pull the trigger of a gun if they deemed necessary to do so. They didn't look like us but walked and behaved like us.

That is when the government went too far and the golden age was replaced with an era of fear. It made people uncomfortable and they were deathly scared by seeing a robot walk up and down the streets daily carrying an assault rifle that could end the lives of so many. That's when people began to revolt. Protests were held daily and by thousands of people. They demanded that Project Red Eye be shut down and terminated for good. And the government listened and were willing to comply.

On December 16, 2036, Project Red Eye was to officially be shut down and all the robots would be dismantled. All had seemed well and as we thought things were being sorted out chaos erupted. This is what no one saw coming.

They call it The Cerberus Hack and that's when all our technology turned against us. A terrorist group called Cerberus came out from their dark tunnels and took control of it all. The drones, satellites, and robots. We didn't even stand a chance. People were slaughtered on the streets and the corpses of dead bodies could be seen piled up everywhere you went.

We looked to our government to come to save us but they too were just as outgunned as we were. They put up a good fight but it would only last a good six months and they were wiped out. The President was probably dead along with anyone who could help. We were alone.

We tried reaching out for help to other countries but they too were fighting for their own survival against the technology that turned against them as well due to Cerberus. The fighting lasted another six months and then it was over. Cerberus had won and all resistance, for the most part, had been eliminated.

A couple of weeks after the fighting had ended the power of the entire world had been turned off and could only be used in the new districts Cerberus had created. In other words, if you were outside these districts you were living in nothing but a war-torn wasteland. Many people surrendered to Cerberus and left to go live in these new districts. There were four districts created in the United States and would house and control the citizens of the country.

District One was called the California District and like the name, it was located in what was used to be known as California. Cerberus took control of the entire state and made it one big district under their control. District Two was the Kansas District, which would make the state of Kansas one big district as well. Cerberus would soon force the people to farm in this district to provide food for the other districts as well.

District Three would become the Texas District and they too would be forced to raise crops and livestock for the new country created under Cerberus. Lastly, there was District Four also known as the Capital District and located in our old capital Washington D.C. This is where Cerberus would control the country and supply their army. People would live in the Capital District but mostly just high officials and leaders who were part of Cerberus or traitors who pledged their loyalty to the new government to only make a better living for themselves.

There are still little resistance groups that pop up from time to time to try and fight against Cerberus but they don't stand a chance and are wiped out easily or pushed back to their underground bases. Many people have lost hope on ever regaining our freedom back. Everyone dreams of the life they used to have and want it back. I can see it in everyone's eyes. I too have almost lost all hope of ever returning back to a normal life. But that was about to all change when I met someone who inspired me to not lose hope and to continue on the fight.

My name is Delaney Nordbrock and this is my story on how I started The New Revolution. 

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