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kaminari gazed lovingly at the green-haired ball of sunshine across the cafeteria.

if only he were mine, the electric blonde thought as midoriya laughed from afar.

everything about midoriya appealed to him. his laugh, his smile, his eyes, his hair, his personality, his aura, everything. he was perfect.

"kaminari are you listening to me?" mina complained.

"huh? no, sorry, what did you say?" kaminari replied dazed.

"we're arguing about whether naruto is better or boruto." kirishima butted in.

"it's naruto for fucks sake! i will end you if you say otherwise!" bakugo yelled.

kaminari chuckled softly. "look guys, we all have our opinions. buuuut..."

the bakusquad listened in for his opinion.

"obviously, naruto is way better than boruto."

bakugo, sero, and kirishima all yelled in agreement.

"NOOOO SKSKSKSKSK I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE ON MY SIDE, KAMI!" mina yelled, wiping away a fake tear.

kaminari laughed and looked back toward midoriya and his friends.

he's so perfect.
oh wow, his smile is beautiful.
why is uraraka touching him like that?
am i overthinking?
oh wait, she's dating tsu, that's right.
shit, did he catch me staring?
i never noticed how his eyes sparkle in the sunlight.
it's like his skin glows when he blushes.
wait, why is he blushing.
oh, i love when he hides his face like that.
he's so cute-

"kaminari!" mina yelled, slapping the back of kaminari's head.

"oww, the hell did you do that for?"

"you aren't listening to me!" mina pouted. she glanced over to the dekusquad table where he was staring. the anger left her expression and was instead replaced with a typical 'fangirl' grin.

"don't," kaminari warned.

the smile grew wider as mina started giggling.

"oooooooohhh kamiii-"

"mina do not-"

"who do you have a crush on? is it uraraka? tsu? but they're dating, i didn't expect you to be that type of person-"

"stop, i don't have a crush-"

"yes you do!! or is it hagakure-"

"it's not a girl!"

that made mina freeze. she glanced behind her, wondering if the rest of the squad overheard them. no, they were still listing reasons on why naruto was better. she looked back at kaminari and whispered, "you're gay?"

"bi..." kaminari muttered with a pink tint on his cheeks. he put his head in his hands.

"ooohhhh it all makes sense now." mina evaluated. "okay then, who is it? todoroki? iida? midoriya?"

kaminari involuntarily flinched at midoriya's name being mentioned, blowing his cover.

"it's midoriya, right?" mina smiled excitedly.

"maybe..." he said, muffled.

she squealed and put her hand on his shoulder. "i will get you two together whether you like it or not, kaminari denki."

"mina, don't do anything stupid."

"i won't! i promise! you see, i already have a plan!"

kaminari looked up from his arms. "and what's that?"

"ehhaha! okay, so you know those cliche fanfictions one person texts the other anonymously while giving hints at the same time?"

"i don't like where this is going." kaminari shook his head.

"yes you do! look, i'll go get his number for you!" and with that, she stood up and pranced on over to the dekusquad table.

"i'm going to die..." kaminari whispered and put his head in his arms once again.

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