My Dreams

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As a child, I did not dread or look forward to my dreams. My day dreams included more toys, sugary cereals, friends and girlfriends who showed interest in me as a person

As an adolescent, my dreams included sexual scenes and those were yummy! As well, on the flip side, some more anxiety-provoking scenes, like missing class or an exam or chipping a tooth.

After my Dad died, my dreams were of him and it was the most wonderful awe-inspiring moments when I thought that somehow... miraculously, he had been resurrected. But then I realized that it could not be true. I had to accept the reality of the situation.

It is this type of realization and acceptance that hurts so much.

Nowadays, my dreams are filled with background music which I enjoy and often recall upon waking... I use these dream-inspired tunes for my musical compositions.

I still have some disturbing and thought-provoking dreams about struggles that I have. Instead of stressing about these, I just accept that they are part of me and another way for me to express myself.

I dream of peace, forgiveness and joy. I think that these can occur with greater acceptance. 

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