I Should Have Told You the Truth

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Hi there. It has been many years since we spoke. You left a message on my answering machine which I never returned. Then you left another message--- pretty nasty one. Yes, I deserved it but at that time I did not care. I mean, I cared about your feelings but did not want to invest energy into helping you feel better. My energy was reserved for more important things, like getting through sleepless nights, making life and death decisions and consolidating my career.

Truth be told, I treated you wrong. No excuses. You may ahve thought that because you refused to have sex that one time, then that was why I stopped calling you. Perhaps. But really I was looking for an out. You were older than me, wandering seemingly aimlessly in your life, unable to speak with confidence and I was on another path.

Still I should have been more respectful. At least I could have told you that I was busy or something, anything...

But all I did was not bother.

So for that I am regretful and sorry. Please see it in your heart to forgive me.

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