147 3 1

Day Two:

I woke up at one-thirty in the afternoon.  I weighed myself before eating and came out at 129.6 pounds. When I finished weighing myself, I went to the kitchen. I had a mango bubly (0 calories), and eight ounces worth of strawberries (75 calories). Later, around five o'clock, I went to a mexican restaurant. I got unsweetened tea (0 calories), half of a sweet tea (200 estimated calories), like a basket of chips (400 estimated calories), a taco salad (1000 estimated calories), and a tortilla (200 calories). I threw up most of dinner so I am going to subtract eight hundred calories. Around eleven at night I had three quarters of a Ben and Jerry's ice cream (800 calories). I told you my weight, but my height is five feet and two inches. My goal weight is one hundred and five pounds, if you were wondering.

75 + 200 + 400 + 1000 + 200 - 800 + 800 = 1875

Daily Tip:

Mix apple cider vinegar with water and drink it thirty minutes before every meal to detoxify your body and help you to not overeat. Use one tablespoon for every cup of water. Feel free to drink this as many times during the day, but at least two times a day is recommended for maximum weight loss. If the taste really bothers you like it does me, then you can drink the apple cider vinegar plain and wash it down with the water. Whatever you do, don't drink it without water following directly after. Since it is so acidic it can give you heartburn, even if you don't typically get heartburn.

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment any suggestions or tips. See you all tomorrow!

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