106 3 2

I pulled an all nighter and got out of bed at 6:30 a.m. to make myself some breakfast. I had one blueberry pancake (230) with blueberry syrup (110) and a strawberry on top (10). I didn't eat again until around 6:30 p.m. and at that time had a sunrise sunset tropical smoothie (360). I went to redline and had a really good workout. I got home and had a tilapia filet (110), with broccoli (20), and salad (60). I let my stomach settle and did some dancing which definitely burned some calories. I then had a serving of chocolate covered pomegranate seeds (130). After that, I binged. It was actually, believe it or not, one of my better binges. I didn't eat as much as I would normally on a binge. I had some orange chocolate (140), ¼ bag of pretzels (400), 14 oz of skim milk (140), and brownies (260).

Total Calories: 1970

Overall I am quite dissatisfied and disappointed with myself but since I worked out I probably burned a good 500-600 calories off so I'm not gonna stress myself too much over it, and just do better tomorrow. Thank you for reading and see you tomorrow!

Daily Tip:

If you make a mistake, move on. Don't try to give up even just for the day. Just keep trying to be healthy and if anything, just try to stay under your daily calorie limit so you won't gain any weight. You just wont lose any weight either.

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