Chapter 1 - Pogue Princess

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"Fuck, it's hot out." I moan as I shrug off my cover-up. Me, Kiara, Pope, and JJ are sitting on the sand dunes while John B is in his Dad's office concocting again. It would be pretty dope if there really was gold on this island, but I think he's lost his mind a little bit. As long as I don't get arrested I guess it's fine.

JJ pulls two bottles out of the styrofoam cooler and hands one to me before sitting down. I never really drank anything stronger than a sip of wine before this year, but after my parents basically disowned me JJ introduced me to the sweet world of beer and liquor. I clink my bottle with his before we both take a large gulp. It burns my throat, but still cools the rest of me.

"What's up, babygirl?" JJ leans back until he's laying down with his hands behind his head.

"I just don't know about... all this." I say, staring forward to the ocean. He sighs and turns on his side.

"You don't trust our boy?" He sticks out his bottom lip, pouting. I shove him away.

"Your boy, JJ. If this goes wrong I'm not affiliated with him at all," I laugh coldly, but both of us know I'm just joking around. When it comes down to it, all of us are stuck with each other 'til the end. If one of us goes down, we all go down together.

"Uh huh, keep telling yourself that sweetheart." He faces the sky again and pulls his baseball cap over his face.

The sun is setting slowly in the horizon. I watch as the colors fade from yellow, to orange, to a rusty pink, and finally to deep purple. This is the one thing we have that the Kooks never will. We're free. We don't have to worry about parties or image or any of that shit, we can waste our day on the sand dunes watching the natural beauty of the sunset. I wouldn't trade it for any fancy boathouse.

After the sun disappears, I smirk and turn to JJ.

"Well, at least we know if he screws up that he'll..." I climb on top of him and caress his face, mocking the words we so often hear between Kiara and John B. "Be safe."

His smirk matches mine before he gets into character. "Oh yeah, I'll be very safe." He comically bites his lip and lets out an exaggerated moan.

"Please, John B, come back to me." I whisper, pretending to wipe away a tear from his face. He starts making fish lips as I squish his cheeks, acting as if he's leaning in for a kiss.

"Oh, shut up." Kiara throws a little piece of driftwood at us and we break apart laughing. "I didn't mean it like that. That's just what a good friend would say!"

I prop myself up on my elbows. "Ki, I don't remember you ever telling me to stay safe. Not even that time I tried to sneak into Topper's-"

She interrupts me with a frustrated groan and walks away. JJ whistles and chuckles under his breath.

"Damn, Y/N. You don't hold back."

I chug the last ounces of my beer and throw the bottle. "Life's too short to hold back. You know that." He gives me a meaningful glance before finishing off his drink as well.

"Fuck yeah, I do."

A few minutes pass and we're all sitting in silence. It's a comfortable silence, I guess. None of us has to say anything but we all understand eachother.

At least, it was a comfortable silence. We all turn around when we hear John B yelling unintelligibly. He rounds the corner of a dune furiously signaling for us to move.

"RUN! They're here!" He yells before I can even comprehend the situation. Who? I look around to try to see what the hells is going on and see a pickup truck four-wheeling the dunes. That can't be good.

JJ stumbles up while spitting curse words in a cold laugh. "Party's over!" He yells, taking my hand and dragging me away from the scene. I struggle to keep up when he breaks out into a run. I'm good for endurance, but my sprinting speed is ass. JJ is pulling my arm so hard that all I have to do is move my legs and he sets the speed.

"Who," I huff, "the fuck", I trip over a rock and he pulls me up, "is that?!"

"Uh," He laughs. "You weren't with us on the last adventure, huh?"

I knew I would miss something big if I ditched them. Serves me right, I guess.

"What did you do, dumbass?" I assume it's his fault. JJ always gets into trouble, but that's what I like about him. He plays by his own rules.

We see a run-down shed a couple hundred meters away. I silently pray it's abandoned. I don't think the owner would appreciate two Pogues using their property as a hideout.

JJ switches his hands so his left arm is dragging me forward instead. When we get to the door, his right hand hits the doorknob and we slide in before I even realize what's happening. I close the door and sink down to my knees, huffing and puffing, while JJ leans against the wall.

"This time actually wasn't my fault," he says with a tired smirk. I roll my eyes, but he goes on. "I'm serious! Johnny boy found his Dad's lucky death compass thing and it pissed those assholes off. I haven't even had my chance to mess it up," he winks. I knew John B lost his mind, but this is a new level. Like, life and death shit.

"So you didn't show them that gun you've been waving around?" I prodded. He shakes his head and shrugs.

"Nah. Like I said, I haven't even had my chance yet."

He was a damn good liar, but I knew him better than the others did. Whenever he's being genuinely honest his eyebrows tilt ever so slightly upward. I sigh and walk towards him laughing.

"Aw, look at you. JJ is a good boy now!" My nose scrunches playfully and I use an overly patronizing tone. His eyes darken.

JJ turns to face me and suddenly my back is up against the wall. His entire front is pressed against me, our chests separated by only the thin fabric of my bikini top. He's taller than me, his chin leveled with my mouth. He moves his head so his lips brush against my right ear as he whispers.

"You know better than that, babygirl." His hips press further against mine. "Do you need me to remind you just how," his tongue gently laps the sweet spot below my ear, "Bad I am?"

We're both breathing heavily now. I'd be lying if I said this didn't excite me in all kinds of ways. JJ... he knows how to work me up. And judging by how hard he was, I think I have the same effect on him.

I snap out of it and push him off of me. "Paws off, Casanova." He backs away with his hands held up in surrender.

"Don't pretend you don't love me, Y/N." He smirks.

"Don't flatter yourself." I smirk back.

This was just how we talked. Sure, Kiara asks me all the time if we've "done it" and Pope always looks uncomfortable when we do this crap, but it was normal. We were best friends, and no matter how much we teased or made fun of each other... deep down we know how much we care.

Hell, maybe if "No Pogue-On-Pogue Macking" wasn't a thing...

I'm not even going to finish that sentence. I think the heat wave's just getting to me.

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