Chapter 3 - Where's John B?

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I wake up with JJ's large body peacefully holding me hostage as he sleeps. His strong arms hold my body flush against his, and I couldn't move if I tried. 

Not that I wanted to.

The light filters through the dusty window and I squint at how bright it is. What time even is it? I reach over for my phone, but JJ pulls me even tighter.

"Not yet." He says with his voice raspy and tired. Now I know what it feels like to be a teddy bear. His face burrows into the crook of my neck and his leg moves over me to pin me down.

"I just want my phone." I laugh and wiggle in his grasp.

"Mmh," He moans sleepily into my neck. "That's not helping." Oh. Yep. I could feel him pressing into me. I stop wiggling and blush, mumbling a 'sorry'.

My tank top was raised past my bellybutton and his thumb moves absentmindedly across my bare skin. It was both relaxing and all-consuming. I've never felt this comfortable with anyone...

Suddenly, a loud knock from the window startles us awake. JJ picks me up instinctually and moves me behind him, separating whoever was at the window and me. I peek over his shoulder to see Kiara.

Correction: a very amused Kiara. The window may be dusty but I can see her mouth turn up at the corners in a knowing smile and her eyebrows raised.

"Ugh, fucking Ki," he throws his head back and groans. "I thought it was those guys John B pissed off. This is even worse." I shove him so he falls on the bed and walk to the front door to let her in. 

"Yeah, like full on cuddl-" Kiara is laughing to someone and I open the door to reveal Pope behind her. He looks like he's about to either burst out laughing or throw up in disgust. I give Ki a nasty look before letting them in. Pope mumbles 'incest' under his breath and I punch him.

"Hey!" He holds the arm I just punched as if it was broken. What a baby. I throw up the middle finger and turn back to Kiara.

"Ki, why'd you bring Pope here? I told you to keep this place a secret..." I trail off and realize I'm a hypocrite before she even responds.

"JJ obviously knows, so-"

"HE NEEDED A PLACE TO STAY SO SHUT UP!" I yell defensively. Pope puts his fist to his mouth, whistling, and Kiara laughs.

"I'm just kidding, chill out. I wouldn't have brought Pope here unless it was important." Her expression visibly darkens and I know it's serious. JJ walks in with his lips pursed and his hair still a mess. I know he's about to be a dick and make a dumb joke, so I shoot him a look.

"It's John B." She starts, and I can see the fear in her and Pope's eyes.

"He said he 'found something great' early this morning and he hasn't responded to any of us since." She holds up her phone so we can see the time.


Well that can't be good.

We spent hours looking for him. Texting, calling, and we even broke into his house. He's gone along with every hint he's gathered.

"Can someone hand me my laptop? I'm gonna track his phone." Pope says urgently. I would make fun of him for being a tech nerd, but if anyone can find John B it's him. I reach into his bag and pull out the laptop, handing it wordlessly to him. JJ sits on a chair across from us and bounces his knee anxiously. 

"For his sake, I hope he's in trouble." Everyone looks to me. "What? If he isn't then he should respond to his best fucking friends. That's all I'm saying." 

"Fair." Pope agrees next to me. Kiara's eyes widen at my blunt comment, and I mouth 'sorry'.

Pope types aggressively and green text flashes across the screen. I feel like I'm in some Hollywood hacker movie. How does he know all these numbers and codes? Maybe he's secretly keyboard scrubbing...

"Got it!" Pope leans back in his chair and I can tell he's proud of himself. So proud of himself, in fact, that he forgets to tell us where the hell John B is.

"Dude," JJ prods and walks over to us. For a second Pope purses his lips, but then a look of realization washes over his face. 

"Oh! My bad, my bad... he's at Chapel Hill." What?

"Why the hell is he there?!" Kiara breaks her silence and seems angry, in her own Kiara-like way.

"Five bucks says he's partying with sorority hoes," JJ laughs and puts his hand up for Pope to high-five. He just stares at him with a blank face, and JJ looks down in shame... then high-fives himself. I try really hard not to laugh.

"Well, obviously he doesn't need us. He really is ignoring us." Pope says bitterly. Kiara starts to come to his defense, but she has no idea what he's doing either.

We all sit down in silence. I was kind of joking before, but it does piss me off that he didn't tell us anything. He could have at least said when he was getting back.

I get an idea. "Anyone wanna have a good ol' fashioned Pogue party?" JJ immediately perks up and gives me a devilish look. Pope shrugs, and Kiara nods unenthusiastically. "Come on, guys! We haven't done anything actually fun ever since John B lost his mind. Let's take advantage of it."

"She's got a point. Pope over here ain't never gonna get his first high if we keep acting like pussy-ass-bitches." JJ smiles and pulls out an e-cig. Kiara looks offended at his use of terminology, but I honestly don't mind. He's right. We kind of are pussy-ass-bitches.

"I don't think I'll be getting high this time, dude," Pope starts, before his lips curl into a smile. "I'll get drunk, though." 

JJ screams, "Whoo! That's more like it. My man!" He starts fake-punching Pope to hype him up, and I think he loosens up a bit.

"Yeah, fine." Kiara relents.

Hells yeah.

Me and JJ are DRUNK. Like, Fall-On-Our-Asses-And-Laugh-Until-We-Can't-Breathe Drunk. Pope is close behind, blubbering on about his merit scholarship or whatever. Kiara has a stick in her ass and hasn't even had one shot. I momentarily consider forcing the alcohol down her throat... but that sounds not so nice and kind of scary.

Scary. Scar-y. "Jay-Jaayyyyyyyyy," I laugh harder and bury my face into his Coors Beer shirt.

"Whatdoyouwant, babyydoll?" He slurs back and starts petting my hair.

"Do youthink that the word scaaaryy comes from scarr-EEE? Like verry scarred? Cuz... cuz when you're scared..." I start feeling dizzy and my face smushes into his chest. "You get SCARred?" 

"God I luhve you," He says, wrapping his arms around me and flipping me over. "I luhve youuu..." I say as I start wrestling against him, "somethimesss!"

We wrestle for a while until I start feeling dizzy again.

"Im shleeepyyy Jayyyyyyyyyy" I slur and cuddle into his arms, my front flush against his, my arms wrapped tightly like a sloth, and my legs hooked around his waist. Hehe, now I'M holding HIM hostage. "Oh how the turntables... wait..." He shushes me and strokes my hair as I fade away.

"Sleep it offth, crazyy-pants. I'll protect youu."


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