Chapter 2 - Different

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I didn't realize my phone was buzzing in my pocket until now. 

                                          (3) New Messages from Ki

2:37 < Are you good

2:38 < We all thought you were following Pope to the boat

2:43 < Is JJ with you

2:51 < Hello??

                                                                                  Sorry, we're good > 2:52

                                                                                             JJ's with me > 2:53

2:54 < Thank God, come to the dock so we can pick you two up


                                                                                                  Copy that > 2:55

I shove my phone back into the waistband of my swim shorts and nod to JJ. "We gotta head to the boat. They're waiting."

"Yes mam..." he says with a devilish glint in his eye. He's such a handful. I try to shove him out the door but he stands still like a brick wall.

"Move, dumbass." I growl while pushing him again. He raises a finger to his lips and shushes me quietly. Suddenly I'm worried. "What?" I whisper, all amusement draining from my face.

"We need to make sure the coast is clear," he says matter-of-factly. "Pfft, you're just an amateur fugitive." Of course he was just making another joke. I should have remembered JJ's never serious. I'm about to push him again when he throws his head back and yells, "Ka-kaw!" 

"JJ! Shut the hell up!" I put my hand against his mouth and he licks it. Ugh. "Let's just go, okay?" His eyes soften when he sees my frustration and he nods apologetically. It's actually kind of funny how much he looks like a guilty puppy when he does that.

I open the door with JJ following closely behind. Luckily, the dock is only a few minutes away. He jogs up to my side and messes with a Rubik's cube he took from the shed.

"So... Y/N..." He whispers. I can almost hear him smirking as he says it.

"What do you want, weirdo?"

He pauses for a moment. "When are you gonna let me kiss you?"

I let out a surprised laugh. Um, what? I can't even speak. That... caught me off guard. When I stay silent, he nudges my side with a little "hmm?"

"No Pogue-on-Pogue macking, remember?" I finally say. I force a light laugh so he doesn't think I'm being too serious. This is just one of JJ's normal random pervy questions anyways. He groans in frustration and throws the Rubik's cube into some bushes.


He drops it and we walk quietly to the dock.

I pick up my pace when I see Kiara and Pope waving to us from the boat. "'Sup losers!" I yell and a howl follows from behind me.

"We thought you were dead!" John B laughs while pulling the anchor up. 

"I wish," I hop into the boat. "That would have been a lot more exciting than being stuck in a shed with the stoner-man-child."

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