Werewolf or Fluffy Puppy - Chapter 18

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"Alucard! I'm sorry." I scream falling to my knees. The beast pushes against my mind, it's so strong. I try to fight it but it's like trying to fight a raging demon with a twig. It's a losing battle and I can't win. Tearing off my jacket I throw it aside as the transformation starts. I scream as my bones shift. It starts with my eyes changing the forest green into golden red. Then my legs and arms shift into the wolf's legs and paws. My back lengthens and a tail grows. My body is covered in thick grey and white fur. A long snout and sharp teeth. My screams turn to howls and snarls. My senses sharpen as my mind focuses on one thing. Kill! I have to kill, I need to kill. My nose picks up smells of fresh blood. Kill! My new sharp claws dig into the floor as I tear down the hallway. Kill! A vampire steps in front of me raising his sword. I jump onto him burying my teeth into his throat and tear it out. I feel its blood dripping down my fangs as I continue running. It makes me sick but the beast loves the feeling. Kill! I quickly dispatch the next few vampires I find. Blood, all I smell is blood and death.

The hallway ends into a large room. The moon light is shining through the large doors. Vampire bodies and piles of ash are scattered around the room. But my beast senses hone in three living things left in the room. No! Alucard, Trevor, Sypha. I try to yell at them to run but it comes out as a vicious growl. Trevor turns his attention on me raising a chain whip to strike me down as Sypha summons ice spikes. I hunch low preparing to attack.

No, please not my friends. I pound against my mind trying to fight against it but my wolf body is moving without my control. I don't want to hurt my friends.

Trevor cracks his whip and advances on me. I would rather die than hurt them. My body snarls at him ready to attack. Alucard, please stop me. Even in my wolf form I feel tears prickling on the side of my eyes.

Trevor moves to advance but Alucard steps in front raising his arm blocking his path. Alucard?!

Trevor starts sputtering but Alucard cuts him off while looking at me "Belmont I will take care on the wolf." His voice is gentle but firm. Sheathing his enchanted blade he walks towards me. No, Alucard, draw your blade, finish me off. But he just keeps walking to me, calm as a man on a midday stroll. His calmness makes even the beast pause.

"Alucard, what are you doing? Kill the giant wolf and lets go get Dracula." Trevor yells at him.

"Belmont is right Alucard, let us go" Sypha stands with him

"I will not kill it" Alucard says calmly as he keeps coming at me. His calmness is putting even the wolf on edge and it starts shrinking back from him. Trevor and Sypha deadpan at his words. "I will not kill this wolf because this wolf is Charlie and I made her a promise. Isn't that right Charlie?" He never takes his eyes off me as if he is looking into my soul. I am going to cry, Alucard is here just like he promised. All the events that have happened in the last few days just seem to slip away. A gentle hand touches the place between my eyes stroking my fur. A feeling of warmth washes over me like some kind of magic, chasing away the fog of control. Everything is so clear I am in control of my wolf form. I am so happy. The urge to kill is gone and it feels wonderful. Jumping on Alucard I lick his face and nuzzle his chest making him laugh. Carefully getting off him I steal a glance at Sypha and Trevor. Sypha looks relieved I didn't try to kill anyone but Trevor looks betrayed and angry. My heart breaks thinking about how hurt he must feel right now. Keeping my head down and my tail between my legs I slowly approach him bumping his chest with my snout. At first he doesn't react but then I hear a soft chuckle and his gentle hand stroking my fur.

Trevor talks as he strokes."I always knew there was something special about you Charlie. Either you weren't fully human or just a complete idiot for being so stubborn about staying with me." He scratches my right behind the ear and I'm practically rolling over and showing my belly right then and there but I pick up a scent. Dracula! The hair on my back rises, my ears flatten back, and a low savage growl rumbles from my throat. It's time to end this once and for all. I whip around running towards the scent.

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