bringer of destruction

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The girl parked in front of an apartment building, in the same area as where Hades lived, the place was also close to the Empire State Building.

"We have to walk from here because there's no closer parking." The girl got out of the car and began walking, the sword at on her back in a holster.

"What's your name?" Persephone asked.

"Carmine, daughter of Iris, I was named after the colour of my hair." Carmine smiled slightly, "What's yours?"


"Wow, bringer of destruction huh?" Carmine nodded to herself.

"What do you mean?"

"That's the greek meaning to your name, 'bringer of destruction', pretty cool if you ask me." She shrugged and Persephone looked at her hands.

Bringer of Destruction.

"Anyways, we're here." Persephone looked up.

Ten feet tall stone walls, the colour of sandstone. They had what looked like 1/3 of a column sticking out of the wall at regular intervals. The was a tall, black iron-wrought gate with bronze accents. There was no lock on the gate, and seemingly no way for anyone to be able to get in the gates - the two gates looked as if they were fused together.

Beside the gate was a bronze plaque stuck to the wall, it read, 'School for the Gifted and Unique'.

"We're where?"

"The place where we're meant to go."

"But we can't even get in, the doors are fused together," Carmine only smirked and walked up to the middle of the gate and put her hand right through the iron, as if it weren't even there.

"Come on," Carmine gestured for her to come closer, and when she did, she grabbed Perpsephone's hand and pulled her into the gates, and they passed through to the other side.

As she got to the other side, the traffic noise quietened and she took in everything that was within the gates that could not be seen from the other side.

A large building in the shape of a 'U' was in the distance, and from what she could see, it was made from the same material as the walls surrounding the place. Persephone looked right and the wall continued to go till she couldn't see it anymore, and the same with the left side. It was evidently larger inside than it was shown from outside.

"See? If you were a mortal, you wouldn't have been able to get through the gates, but you did." Carmine smiled and she looked much more comfortable than she had when she was outside.

"I'm so confused, what is this?" Persephone looked around, eyes wide with interest, looking at the cabins that were lined up from the tip of the 'U' building to closer to the gate, many people walked around the cabins and a few looked to the gate where the pair stood.

"This is the school, were once we realise who we are, and once we get scouted, we all get brought here to train and be with people like us. It's home. On the left side here, those with a godly mother have their cabins here, and on the right, it's the cabins for those with a godly dad, so because you knew your mum, you're on the right. But the Kings and the Olympian's cabins are at the front." she gestured to both sides, 'Kings' referring to the King of Olympus, the Sea and the Underworld.

"How do I know who my dad is?"

"You get claimed by your godly parentage. So basically you go poof, and you're wearing a different set of clothes that matches who your godly parent is, so for example, for me, I got dressed up in a rainbow dress with the mark of my mum on the left-hand side of my chest." she pointed to the place over her heart.

"What if I'm not claimed?" Persephone doubted herself, lacing her fingers together.

"You will be," Carmine spoke with such determination that it was hard not to believe her.

"Are all the cabins filled?" As they walked forward, Persephone noticed how some of the cabins looked empty and desolate.

"Nah, not all gods have kids, like Artemis, she's a virgin goddess, Hades who has just never had a kid for some reason and Hera who would never cheat on Zeus."

"Carmine! Who's the newbie?" A boy around the age of 13 called out to her.

They were passing what Persephone assumed to be his cabin. It resembled a giant copped safe, the round door with a passcode dial. The boy himself looked too bulky for his age, he wore blue overalls that were greasy and grimy, his hands the same as he tinkered with something.

"Her name's Persephone, she helped me bring down the cyclops," Carmine answered and Persephone lifted a hand in greeting.

"What? You couldn't take it down yourself?" The boy grinned and Carmine only rolled her eyes.

A bunch of people who they walked by greeted Carmine and looked at Persephone with interest, muttering amongst themselves.

"We're going to go see Chiron, he's kind of like the headmaster here, he'll want to meet you." The walked up to the large 'U' building and went in, beginning to go upstairs.

"Should I be worried?"


They reached a door and Carmine wasted no time in opening it. On the other side was a male, he had a bushy beard and brown hair that went down to his shoulders. He was human from the waist up, but under his torso, he had a full-grown horse body, the colour of mud.

"My dear Carmine, how's your mother?" The centaur turned around to greet them, and he raised his eyebrows at the sight of Persephone.

"Stupid question, I have no idea, but I ran into a cyclops at the park though, and it would've killed me if it weren't for Persephone here."

"Is that so? Tell me Persephone, how old are you?" Chiron studied her face.

"29, sir."

"Call me Chiron," He smiled warmly.

"Oh, sorry sir - I mean Chiron" Persephone smiled back.

"Well, welcome to school! I'm sure your experience here will be different to the schools you've gone to." Carmine quietly slipped away, leaving the two alone, "You look familiar," he remarked, "do you work?"

"Uhm, yeah a doctor, but I recently got fired" Persephone nodded feeling awkward.

"Well my dear, they certainly made a mistake there. I would love to talk more, but dinner will be commencing soon and I have to deal with some satyrs, so feel free to walk around and Carmine will help you with any questions that you might have." Chiron easily possessed a fatherly vibe that was comforting to all of the demigods at the school, and Persephone found herself smiling back at him before taking her leave.

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