her mum isn't very nice

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The field of flowers was filled with the joyful sound of a child laughing gleefully.

Helios' rays beat down on the field, as two figures, one tall and dark, and one small and bright ran around, the former chasing the latter, both leaving trails of death in their path.

As 4-year-old Persephone ran, she felt cold and strong, yet comforting, arms wrap around her small body as he safely tumbled her to the ground.

"Caught you." He smiled triumphantly.

"You cheated." The small girl accused sourly, unhappy about losing.

The man simply grinned cheekily and lifted the young girl up into a standing position, her small pouty lips making him laugh, "My love, what can I do to make you happy again?"

In reply, she lifted up her slightly pudgy arms in unison, hands fisting and unfisting in continuous action, her pout becoming more forced as if she were worried he wouldn't comply. She knew, of course, that he would do whatever was in his power to make her happy.

Not the one thing that she really wished for though.

For him to love her the way she loved him, but it was wrong, she was after all only 4-years-old, a child that he saw as a sister, and he would only ever see her that way.

They were interrupted by a shrill shout, "Kore!"

Standing at the edge of the field of flowers, was the tall, light brunette, almost blonde woman, face full of worry and anger. Worry for her young daughter who was seemingly in the arms of a stranger, and overflowing anger for the dark man who had her daughter in his arms.

The wind in the field and surrounding forest ceased, the atmosphere becoming tense and chill. Sensing the change, birds stopped chirping and singing, animals stopped chattering and the area became eerily quiet. Watching from above stood Helios on his golden chariot.

"Mummy!" Persephone unwillingly tore herself out the embrace to turn to her mother who wore her usual strict expression, but this time, it was accompanied with a glare.

As Demeter stormed towards the pair, she began to seethe, as she recognised the man with her little flower bud. Her own brother.

"Aidoneus." She addressed her brother venomously, finally stopping in front of the two, glancing at the field of dead flowers, courtesy of both Hades and Persephone, "Kore, come here."

Following her mother's orders, Persephone slowly dragged her bare feet on the soil and stood in beside her mother, head bowed.

Hades stood straight, his face already returned to the cold, emotionless facade that suited his profession and reputation so well.

"How dare you?" Demeter fumed, directing her anger at the mature god.

"Mummy, it was my fault,  made him play with me." Persephone blurted out, desperately taking the blame in order to protect Hades.

"Persephone, I will deal with you later." Her mother snapped, not redirecting her glare from Hades' face.

"It wasn't her fault - " Hades began before he was interrupted by his elder sister.

"I know," Demeter grabbed her daughters wrist as she turned and began to walk away, dragging the girl with her, "never come back here, or near her again." The pair disappeared behind the forest trees, but not before Demeter cast a scathing scowl his way, and not before Persephone threw an apologising frown to Hades.

To the god who now stood alone. In a field of dead flowers.

After all of that happened, Demeter had sent Persephone to a mortal orphanage, with a partially erased memory, and only a letter in hand.

It had taken a while, but she was finally reunited with her love, never feeling better as she sat upon his lap on a raised throne.

But curiosity overtook her as she gingerly got out of his embrace, walking down a few steps, her sandals hit the royal red velvet carpet. She slowly made her way to one of the black marble columns, noticing small engravings etched smoothly into the stone. Her finger grazed the carvings, and at closer inspection, she realised that they were names, and they were constantly moving as more names were added - the names of the dead souls.

Looking up at the gold torch handle, there were engravings there too, and as she looked around at the other torches, she realised that they told a story, yet some of the handles remained smooth and untouched - the story was yet to be finished.

The etchings on the handle depicted a field of flowers, a tall man and a small girl - it was her story. Hers and Hades.

Her thoughts were interrupted with a bang as the door to the throne room opened, an impossibly pale man walked in.

He wore short black robes, feet bare against the plush carpet as his bony, pasty hand held onto a tall, black scythe, the blade silver and long, reflecting like a mirror. The man had a shock of white hair that reached his shoulders, his face was bare of facial hair as he held himself elegantly, walking towards the throne, before kneeling.

"My King." The man's voice was gravelly and hoarse, hardly ever used in his profession.

"Old friend," Hades replied warmly before looking at Persephone, "I would like you to meet Persephone."

As Thanatos looked away, Hades' tie turned back into a bag of chips, and in embarrassment, Hades quietly placed it beside his throne.

The man stood and turned, carefully approaching her, bare feet silent as they touched the marble floors, "My Queen, I am Thanatos." The Personification and God of Death smiled.

The first thing Persephone noticed was his milky eyes. The colour of captivating blue in his eyes was strongly diluted - now a pale blue that was hardly discernable.

Death was blind.

Though he could not see, she still felt as though he were staring into her immortal soul, seeing past the golden, immortal ichor of the gods that ran through her veins. Perhaps he could even see the little girl that once hid, the little girl who desperately wanted to make her mother proud, the little girl with forbidden love.

But it was no longer forbidden.

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