♡~Chapter 11~♡

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

"What the hell!?" Jungkook exclaimed as he pointed at the two of us.

Both Jin hyung and I pointed at him too making it look like the three of us are crazy people in this train. Soon enough, Jennie lowered my hand and saw Jin hyung trying to stay calm at our situation right now. I looked at Jungkook again. "Try to explain why you're going to Busan, kiddo?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes at me and crossed his arms. "I'm visiting something there. Besides, I have a 1 month leave at work. How about you guys? And you, Jennie noona. What are you doing with these guys?" Jungkook said which made me confused.

'How does he know Jennie?' I thought.

I looked at her and she still seems confused on what's happening. Same goes for me, how do they know each other?

"I'm friends with Jin oppa and...this guy." She responded. I take a deep breath 'cause I thought she'll be saying my name out loud for people to hear. Jungkook nodded and faced Jin hyung. "Whatever happened to separating hyung? Guess we found a way to unite again. The plan didn't work." Jungkook said and Jin hyung raised a brow.

"Don't go all sassy with me. Everyone took part of that plan. Don't blame me." Jin hyung defended himself. Jungkook chuckled which made Jennie gasped. I looked at her and she whispered "It's the first time that I saw him smile."

I laughed and just nodded my head. "So, what the hell's going on? I'm the only one who doesn't have a clue here. Y'all better spill it when we arrive." Irene noona said which made all of us laugh. Jungkook sat closer to us and said "I'm joining you guys. I have lots of time to visit the place I wanted to go anyways. So, again with my question. What are you guys gonna do there?"

Jin hyung and I locked eyes again and he nodded. I looked at Jungkook again and said "We're going to Jimin hyung."

His face soon turned into a blank expression and faced the front. "You guys are just wasting your time." He said and opened a magazine that he saw beside him. "What do you mean?" Jin hyung asked.

Jungkook didn't answer after that as Jin hyung and I made eye contact. Both of us seems so curious but, we just let it slide for now. "Well, we're still going, Kookie." I said to him. "Well good luck with that. Already tried it, didn't end up well for me." He answered.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

It's no use. Jimin hyung already wanted a new life. A life without us 6.

"What happened between you guys?" Jin hyung asked out of curiosity. I looked at him and he seemed curious and the same goes for Taehyung-hyung. I ignored the question and continued reading the magazine I opened. "Try to get some sleep. It's gonna be a long trip." I said, not looking at them.

Even though a part of me was excited to see Jimin hyung, I'm sure he doesn't want to see us anymore. He was the type of guy in some friend group that would often be the one that gets in trouble because of the others. He'd be the one fixing our problems as a group with Hobi hyung. The week after we all separated, I visited Busan but I figured I should visit Jimin hyung to see how he was already doing. I visited his place to see him looking frozen with a paper on his hands. I tapped his shoulder to ask if he was okay but, as soon as he faced me, he looked furious and forced me to leave and told me to never visit him. He yelled at me saying that I should forget about him because he sure will forget about us.

I was hurt...

I walked away with anger, sadness, and disappointment plastered all over my face. Though, I was still curious on what was that paper or some kind of letter that he was holding before he got mad at me.

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