Sup Cinnamon Rolls, It's me PreciousCinnamonRoll420. Iv'e decided to answer some questions from people who have asked me questions. If you have any questions please ask. Also if you want to submit a character design you can. Here are some questions I was asked.

Elliot My Cousin: Caleb, me bro. What's the difference in power between Damae and her other teammates Aura fist upgrade. Like she used the same Aura advancement that Meiku used while the others used a weaker version Meiku showed?

Caleb: Well to put it simple, we've seen 3 different aura manifestations. The first one everyone uses where people encase their body in aura and it gains a small fiery aura to it, the second is the one that only changes to a darker version of the original color, it loses the fire but veins protrude from their aura encased body part, this form tries to hold the power but a lot of it seeps out of it which all the power just appears normally with physical contact. The third form just changes the color of the body part, this evolution allows people to hit the physical body of something, like an atom of any object, a soshi users body when transformed. This form contains it into the body part.

Next question!!!

Perv friend: So are the female characters gonna get thicc?

Caleb: Listen perv baka, you can't just ask that. Yes by the way :)

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