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He blinked twice, slowly removed the headphones and stood up. He walked right past me without saying a word. Jerk!

I know I'm not supposed to care, I should be celebrating right now. But I felt hurt. So this is how it's going to be for the rest of my life.I looked behind and I was surprised to see Carson standing there, massaging his temples. A sigh escaped his lips as he turned around and walked towards me.

He stopped in front of me and looked behind him as if he wanted to change his mind but realised it was too late. His hand extended towards me and he said, "Carson. You already know me, apparently. You are...?"

I shook his hand as I said, "Margaretta. You can call me Margie."

"How do you know me?" He asked as he let go of my hand and stuffed both his hands in his pockets.

"We are partners in a science project. Human body."

He widened his eyes and said with an amused expression," So we are gonna be having sex as a project?"

"Wait, wha... Ewwww!" I exclaimed, laughing as I shoved his arm.

Surprisingly, he was also laughing. The guy who was grumpy and seemed like he would never laugh was laughing. A real, genuinely happy laugh that was like a song and I would listen to it all day long.

Once we stopped laughing, he asked, "So what is the project about?"

I looked around and spotted two chairs near the instruments. I was tired of standing so I pulled him to the seats, sat down and I started explaining the project to him.

When I was done, he said, "Nothing fun in that. So what are you doing here? No one ever comes here."

"I was looking for somewhere isolated to eat my lunch and I saw it on my map. Then I heard your voice on the way here and wanted to see who was singing that well. And... here I am," I said and smiled sheepishly.

"Why would you look for somewhere isolated to eat your lunch. I've been with you for a few minutes and I can tell you are a social person," he asked, looking me directly in the eye.

My face fell and I looked at the ground, "I can't tell you that. Actually, you are not even supposed to know I'm here. You already know too much."

He leaned forward and lifted my chin so that I could face him," Even if we wouldn't have ran into each other, I would have known you because of the project. You would be shoving your hands inside my shirt for heavens sake!"

We both broke into laughter at that statement. When I had gotten control of my laughter, I said, "You seem like a nice guy to be around. You are hilarious and caring. Why are you so anti social. I feel like you have no friends and you haven't laughed in a long time."

He suddenly stopped laughing and a grim look replaced the happiness that was on his face.

"Carson, I-" "You are better off not knowing. Time to go to class," he said then got up and left without another word. Dammit Margie, you had to ask?

I hadn't even eaten lunch but one look at my watch chased away all the appetite I had. I was five minutes late for class already!

So I haven't seen Carson again since the music room and now I am walking to my car, trying to balance my books on one hand and looking for my car key with the other.

I turned the car on, opened the door and threw my bag and my books in before I got in myself. Just as I was about to start the car, I heard someone shouting, "Put me down you dander head. I want nothing to do with them and that's final."

It sounded like Carson but I couldn't see him, which was hard to believe since everyone else had gone. Just as I was about to get out and search for him myself, a car appeared out of nowhere and sped out of school. I couldn't see much, but the messy brown hair at the backseat window was enough to rev my car engine and take off after the Land rover.

I was expecting to hear screams and shouts coming from inside the car but I heard nothing. I almost stopped chasing the car, thinking that this was all a big mistake. But when I saw Carson try to jump out the window, his mouth gagged and a gigantic hand reaching out and pulling him back into the car, that thought was thrown out the window.

The car went around a lot of corners and through some streets that I had never been through then stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse. That was a bit cliché but Carson said that the big man was a dander head, so I guess that was true.

I parked my car in someone else's driveway a far enough for them not to see me and got out in time to see the big guy hit Carson on the head. No. That was too far.

I picked up a metal rod and ran as fast as I could towards him, aiming for his head, but he turned around and got hold of the stick just as it was about to make contact with his head.

He smirked then said, "Hey there pretty eyes. We made a score today."

Darn it!!


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