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Margie's POV:

Black. All I see is black. Actually, all I've ever seen is black. It's just that this time, it's literal. Ever since my dad stopped paying attention to me when I was young, my life started being filled with darkness. Black started seeping in from the corners. But when he ordered us to move away, I fell into never-ending darkness. I moved around like a zombie and my heart had lost all hope.

Honestly, I don't even know where I am. I just see darkness all around me and I can't feel my body. It's so quiet, my thoughts seem to be the only thing alive. I always knew this was how I'd end up- alone. Nothing and no-one around me. Just my thoughts that continue killing me gradually.

I was amidst a chain of thoughts when a sharp pain hit my chest. I tried screaming but I couldn't. My neck strained and the pain peaked up. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes and my body started coming back to life, but in a way I'd prefer dying. Every cell of my body made me feel like I was being chopped into pieces. I tried opening my mouth and my throat caught fire.

I could feel someone's hand on mine and liquid falling onto my arm. I tried parting my lips and saying something but there was something going through my mouth and down my throat. All that came out was a whimper.

The person beside me jerked up and squeezed my hand tighter. "Darling? Margie? Are you Okay?" I heard my mom's voice say.

I made a noise with my throat and squeezed my eyes shut as the unbearable pain hit me. 

"Shh, shh. Don't struggle. It'll only make it worse," she told me as she patted my hand. How awful. I couldn't talk to my own mother while I had a lot to say. Isn't she worried and confused? How did I even get here? What happened?

I tried to open my eyes but immediately shut them once the light hit me. Breathing felt like driving spears into my chest and I tried not to breathe as much as I could. I want the comma back, the darkness was better.

"I'm so glad you're still alive, Marg. You don't know how worried you made me," mom said and put her head on my chest, which made me yelp. She immediately moved back and I heard her mutter a sorry.

I slowly tried opening my eyes again and looked at her with tears falling from them. She looked so stressed and it was like she didn't sleep all night. There were bags under her red eyes and she looked so stressed- was I the reason she was like this?

A chocking sound came out of my throat instead of the words I wanted to say. The pain only made me cry harder, increasing the chest pain. Mom bit her lip and joined me in crying. She placed her head on my bed and sobbed while still holding my hand.

I shut my eyes once again and let the tears roll down my face. Dad did this to us...

Carson's POV:

I packed my homework books into my bag and leaned onto my locker as I watched the pupils scramble out of the school. 


I jumped at Damien's voice and faced him. "Oh, haven't seen you since chemistry. I have a lot of questions-" I started as I walked off but he pulled me back and looked into my eyes, searching for the right thing to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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