
884 21 3

Laura pov

Clocking the clock in my jeep I feel like I made it on time luckily but I know this wont be my first close call with being on time as sometimes the bed is just hard to leave, I have my two weeks off but I would like to have a bed day one of these days. Throwing my jeep in park I grab everything and head insides to the lockers, I prefer not to make a trip to the jeep if I have forgotten something. Staring at myself in the locker room mirrors I take a minute to myself trying to come to reality that I am in the hospital and not on duty, it feels like forever since I have worked in the hospital and had a normal job, if you call healthcare normal. Signing in I get ready for the day I could have ahead, I am ready to start but everyone here says its a slow start normally and I am glad about that as it gives me some times to get to know the staff members and how they work together, I don't want to step on anyone toes. 

I head over to the laptop sitting on the desk and have a look at the system they use but as I log in  I hear about a crash over the intercom on the motorway, signing out I grab my gloves and apron before getting ready for the victim. It feels like forever since I have just dealt with normal accidents and as I am thinking about normal, a teenager is rolled in clutching their shoulder. I take the teenager to a treatment room ready to look at the shoulder as I ask a couple of questions, regarding the shoulder and their medical history. Looking at the shoulder I know right away its a dislocation, normally on duty I would just pop it back in but instead I head for the x-ray  of the shoulder and collar bone hoping it will just slip back in once the pictures come back. 

"This may hurt just a little" I say handing over the gas and air knowing a couple puffs on the good stuff and he will no longer feel his shoulder go back into place, I watch closely as my patient inhales and with inhale I lift the shoulder higher hoping to pop it in. The last thing I want to do is to put them under when its only a dislocation, normally grown men don't fight me on this but i have to remember I'm not in the fighting zone instead in a hospital. One more inhale and I pop the bad boy make into place but the face I receive could kill.

"You said a little, that wasn't a little" I hear and boy do I apologise as the face said it all as I wrap the shoulder to the chest, my patient took enough gas and air that it shouldn't have hurt that much but as it pop back into place I felt the tense as it went in, they knew it was happening. When I moved the arm higher the swear words was just flowing out the mouth, the mother was holding her head not realising the teenager had one hell of a foul mouth but it comes with the pain. 

"I am just going to send you back down to x-ray to make sure its in and then you are good to go" I say placing my hand on my patient hoping they are ok now but the face of my patient is saying otherwise. I leave my patient to the nurse before moving out the room and into the receptionist who gives me a smile. 

Patient by patient It ended up being a busy afternoon, my first day back at the hospital has been busy and flown by, I have missed having a laugh with the nurses, and the patient, it's always fun when they have a laugh with you, the nurses are easy to get along with and some of the doctors even though some of them thinking they are too good but I haven't countered much of that today. Sitting in the cafeteria I look out the window to see a couple of cancer patient sitting on the bench looking at a pond, it's always good for them to get fresh air but my attention is caught when in front of me I catch a little girl starts coughing non stop, I quickly jump to me feet

"What's happening? She was fine a minute ago?" I hear her parents say as I can see a piece of food blocking her air pipes, not taking the risk of wanting to break a rib I tap a little hard on the black hoping it come out after a couple attempt I get no where but trying one more time the little girl  throws up the chuck of food, I start to hold her hair back as she spits the food out before taking deep breaths, the tears start running soon after. Finishing up spiting it out I let go of the little girl and she runs to her parents side scared about what just happened and I don't blame her, everyone who doesn't chew there food properly has been in the same situation of nearly choking on big blocks of food.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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