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The war has been going on for around 10 months it is almost over there is only a couple more forces of iron teeth witches and barley any more valg left. Aelin is in her tent waiting for Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra and the rest of the cadre to come back. Aelin can't fight anymore due to the fact that she is 9 months pregnant she is over with it she had to stay here and talk with Darrow. She has only been in here for about an hour and Darrow looks like he is about to throw Aelin  out of the tent if she brings up anything about her being queen. She doesn't catch what he means from the settle hints he gives she keeps on going at it. He said " Fine if you stop talking about this I will let the name vote again," she added " without you interfering with what there opinions are." He grumbles "fine just leave me alone." And just like that she leaves the tent and comes back a little later with a book she's reading and finally leaves him alone.
Rowan has been fighting for over 3 hours he is ready for this war to be over aelin could give birth any day now and wants to be there when it happens. We are done fighting all the witches they are all officially dead. There are only two more valg soldiers to kill and Choal takes the honor to kill them both with one swipe on top his horse. They are just up against Earwan he has to go down today just has if not for the whole world then for Aelin. Dorian, Fenrys,Gavriel, Lorcan, the Whitehorns and me are using are magic at different times and places to get to Earwan. I take the air away from him Dorian holds him still with his phantom hands and Fenrys pops up at different places to try to kill Earwan as he moves around. Fenrys gets a clean shot and Earwans head tumbled to the ground we killed him. We all shout for joy as we have just won more than half of the war when a messenger comes up. He brings Aedion and me  back to the battlefield and says slowly but strongly " Aelin has gone into labor come with me." My brain just stops she's in labor my mate is in labor. Me and Aedion look at each other and rush after the messenger and follow him.
Darrow has been sitting down thinking of how far along we were in war as Aelin stood up with an "oomph" sound. I look up just to see a surprised look on her face then I bring my eyes down to the bottom half of her body her pants are wet. I think she could have just peed herself because of the pressure on her bladder from the small child in her womb. But as I bring my eyes back up to her face she has a look of pain in her eyes. She says to me with a breaking voice " get Rowan I'm going into labor." I don't know how to react so I tell my messenger to get Rowan and whoever else that was close to Aelin as I lead her to her and Rowans tent. I call for Yrene Towers to come back from healing the injured. She also brings the healer on high with her to help the princess give birth.
I am in so much pain but it isn't what worries me the most I need Rowan here he is my mate I need his support. I here rustling behind the tent I look up hoping to see Rowan but it was Just Yrene and Hazifa. Yrene puts her hand on my rising baby bump and I feel the tingle of her magic assessing me. She looks up and talks quietly to the healer on high. She turns to me just as Rowan comes rushing in to stand beside with Aedion following. I didn't really want him there but there was no way to get Aedion out now. Yrene says to us " Aelin is about 3 1/2 centimeters dilated and are moving along very quickly your child is a breech but we can still deliver her." I let the information sink in then I look back up a Yrene and say "her." Yrene nods as another pain wraps around my lower abdomen. When Rowan sees the way I look she gives Yrene a look and says " she is in pain help her." Yrene just rolls her eyes and says with sarcasm " there called contractions your majesty it's the bodies way to get ready to push the baby out it's normal no need to freak." Hafiza gives Yrene a look but then goes back to what she was doing at the desk. I cough to keep my laugh in and wink at Yrene she winks back and goes back to work preparing my labor.

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