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Just as another sharp pain wraps around my lower abdomen I here Yrene say " I'm going to need you to push when you start your next contraction." I give her a weak nod I am so tired and I want to see my little girl. Rowan is there beside me holding onto my hand tight and whispering encouraging words to me. Right then another contraction comes through my body Yrene says " push," and I start pushing.
Aelin is so brave she most be so tired I can't wait to see are little girl be born I'm positive that she will just as brave as her mother if not more. Yrene once again gives the command to push , Aelin has been pushing for a little over ten minutes I can see the strain in her face as she once again pushes with all her might. It hurts me because there is nothing I can do to stop this pain for her I can't believe that she is this brave. I keep whispering encouraging things to her right before her next contraction hits Yrene says to Aelin " one last push and she should be here I'm going to count to ten then I want you to push," Aelin gives a small hoarse " ok" she most be really thirsty from not drinking anything for the past 8 hours. Just as Yrene reaches 1 I feel Aelin squeeze my hand tightly then I feel a sharp pain and crack as Aelin breaks a bone in my hand. I don't care at this point and Aelin either doesn't notice or care right now as she pushes. Right then I feel her release my hand and a feeble cry. It is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard in my life. Just then Yrene hands a freshly wrapped baby girl to me. She opens her eyes and I see eyes identical to Aelins. She has a small amount of sliver hair at the top of her head and her ears are so cute with the small delicate points at the tip. She has Aelins evil smirk already, and has my bone structure. I sit down in the bed next to Aelin and hand the baby to her arms. Aelin has fresh tears in her eyes as she says " she's beautiful." I nod my agreement as I feel some of my own tears fly down my cheeks. Yrene says to us before she leaves " I'll try to keep everyone away from you until you get some alone time." Despite it being 1 o'clock in the morning almost everyone is up thanks to the news that the queen was in labor. Aelin lifts up her shirt so she can feed our  child. As my gaze slides down to her open breasts and linger she slaps me on the arm I say "what who says I'm not watching our child" she pinches me as she says " because there was nothing sweet or innocent in that gaze." I laugh and say "I guess your right." I don't know how long we stay like that but it felt like it could have been hours days even. But Aelin broke the silence by saying " what should we name her?" I already knew the perfect name so I say to her "Rhaine," She smiles to me and says " perfect." I know that life is going to be great from here on out Rhaine is going to be are light just as Aelin is to me. I will never let anything happen to her she is perfect and from the look on Aelins face she is thinking the same thing to.
Yrene finally let us go into the tent that Aelin and Rowan are in. As we approach the tent I here a loud snore. I think it could be Rowan but when Yrene comes out of the tent with a dirty set of sheets she says to me and everyone else "who knew that Aelin snores like a man." Lysandra who was standing beside me looks at me and says " I sort of assumed because someone wakes me up almost every night with there loud snores." She glares at me and I put my hands behind my head and say " well at least I have an excuse I am a man!" I hear everyone tell me to "shhhh" but it's to late. I here a small cry that immediately shuts the snore up. I whisper to everyone who is glaring at me and say " at least it shut up the snoring." I thought I said to quietly but of course Aelin heard me and says with anger "Aedion get your hulking ass in here and I don't snore." She said in a whisper shout as she was trying to quiet my niece. Yrene says to Rowan and Aelin "can everyone come in?" I can feel Aelin and Rowan having there silent conversations then Rowan grumbles Aelin definitely won and said " Sure as long as your quiet" she pauses then says "Aedion." Everyone snorts a laugh as w come in and we see the new addition to are large family.

Rowan and Aelin Where stories live. Discover now