Chapter One: The Lost Prince

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"Hmm... Not here, not here...Ah! Here it is!" Cinnamonroll sifted through her cabinets looking for the missing page of her book of recipes. "Auntie Kat, I found it," she called.

    "Great, Cinnamonroll. Now, could you go to the SkyWing palace and find out the latest news? I know you go there first to deliver cinnamon rolls and pick up recipes," the queen said, from her resting place in the sun.

    "Yes, Ma'am!" Called Cinnamonroll. She ambled out to her takeoff point, the queen calling after her, "Make sure to stay safe, and ask the queen about the news!" She prepared herself, spread her wings and took off.

    The flight there was pretty tiring and long, so she snacked simultaneously on a roll, choking with disgust when she realized it was vegan. "Ugh," she said to no-one in particular. "How do the RainWings eat these?"

    Finally, she arrived at the gates. A majestic dragon of the color cockcrow stood at the gates awaiting her arrival. She smiled when she saw Cinnamonroll. "Queen Dawn," said Cinnamonroll, touching down on the ground and bowing low.

    "Ah, Princess Cinnamonroll! I thought you might come today."

    "Uh...It's just Cinnamonroll! My cousin's the true one who deserves that title," Cinnamonroll said humbly.

    "Nonsense, nonsense," reassured Queen Dawn. "That girl is sickly. She will die any day now." Cinnamonroll sighed and looked down.

     "Please don't remind me," she said, tired of hearing of her poor cousin's condition.

    "Of course, sweetie. Anyways, I have a new recipe for you! Red-hot cinnamon rolls with cayenne-sugar dough!" Said the queen.

    Cinnamonroll looked up, now excited.

    "Great!!" She exclaimed.

    "Uh-huh!" Said the queen, distracted by looking for the page in a big binder. She finally found it and handed it to Cinnamonroll. Cinnamonroll nodded in acknowledgment. "And, I suppose your mother wants the news?" Said Dawn, now looking solemn.

    "Oh.. Yes! Is something wrong?" said Cinnamonroll, now concerned.

    "Actually, yes. My... son, Asch, went missing last night. We did a search, and traces of animus magic were found. We have a possible suspect, and she is on trial, but we still need animi to help search for him and undo the curse. Tell your auntie Kat to send her four best animi to look," the queen said. Cinnamonroll, surprised, immediately agreed.

    "She'll probably send... Uhh, Mudhopper for sure, and... maybe Mosquito, but she's young and still learning how to control her powers."

    "Please, I don't need a list. Just go report it," the queen said with surprisingly desperate eyes.

    "Oh...Ok!" Cinnamonroll turned around, and, with one last glance at the pretty queen, she leaped off into the air.

    She arrived finally back at the MudWing kingdom, panting. Usually, she would stay the night at the SkyWing kingdom for a night; she was like a daughter to the queen and was always welcome, but this time the queen had been so hurrying, she had flown immediately back to the SkyWing kingdom. It was nearly night as she stepped into the throne room.

    "Auntie Kat..?" She said cautiously. The queen had fallen asleep, but she now awoke.

    "Snrk-- What? Huh? Wha? Oh- Sorry." The queen now sat up.

    "What's the report?"

    "The prince is missing," began Cinnamonroll. "They want your best animi to look for him."

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