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She had almost forgotten how much quicker it was to just leave her hair natural in the morning. She had even applied some makeup, dusting on a bit of blush, some lipstick, some eyeliner and some clear Mascara on both lashes and brows. Covering her freckles was something she so highly disagreed with it she never even considered buying concealer or foundation or anything but BB cream that was just the mildest bit toned. Just enough to make any pimples she had at the beginning of her transition into puberty appear like simply some more freckles. Using her usual perfume and deodorant Imogen then slides into her heels, grabbing her already packed schoolbag on her way out. Shoving her earbuds into her ears and playing music as usual.

It had taken Haruhi by surprise.
Imogens more natural curls made her look more approachable while her perfect makeup was still a clear indicator of the distancing she was working on. Not only Haruhi had caught herself staring but most other passengers did as well. Whispers of a beautiful tourist girl were going around, unbeknownst to the girl herself, gazing into the air with her bright green eyes. It had only been when an elderly woman had stepped onto the loaded train that the girls attention had been drawn. "Ma'am? Please sit.", she says in her flawless Japanese while taking out her earbuds, immediately stunning all those around who hadn't seen her on the train before but Haruhi too found herself surprised again. Pleasantly.
Imogen had gotten up and taken the womans arm, guiding her to the seat the girl had previously occupied. "Thank you, child.", the woman says, squeezing Imogens hands. "No no. It's nothing. Please take care of yourself.", Imogen smiles back. "Do you live here?" "Yes. I live in Tokyo but I am at heart still very much British.", Imogen smiles, making the woman laugh softly. "You are a good child. Maybe you could marry my grandson." Imogen flushes and laughs. "Thank you very much. If I stumble into him I shall see if it may happen." The woman grins. "Wonderful. I hope I'll see you again, child." "I too hope to see you again, Ma'am. This is my stop. Take care. Goodbye!" Imogen waves to the lady then quickly makes her way off the train, Haruhi following her example. "I didn't know you were so kind, Senpai." Turning around Imogen glances at the younger girl approaching her. "I do have social skills, you know. At business meetings I too have to make good impressions...", Imogen says, raising an eyebrow. "You can't tell me all of that was acting." "No. It wasn't. I also have morals. Elderly people do not have the strength to stand up in a bullet train. Especially when they can not even reach a handle to hold onto. If one does not take care of those who need it who will take care of them when they do?", Imogen asks, raising her eyebrow. Haruhi nods in awe. "You actually are a really nice person, Senpai." "Don't tell anyone." Imogen says cooly but her eyes twinkle with amusement. Haruhi grins. "That boy you met.. do you like him?" Imogen smiles. "I do like him. I don't know if I love him.. I'm not too good at that kind of stuff.. but I most definitely do like him." Haruhi smiles. "I bet he does like you, senpai." "You think so?" "If I were him I would." Imogen laughs. "I'll take that as a compliment." "Why do you not mind me, if I may ask?" The older girl blinks, caught off guard, then sighs. "Promise not to tell your weird friends?" "Sure." "Are you certain you'll be able to keep your mouth shut in front of overly dramatic blondy, the half toddler and the stalker guy?" Haruhi laughs softly at the nicknames Imogen had given them. "Now that you say it... No. If I promise something I'll keep up my part of the deal." Imogen nods. "I have terrible social anxiety." Haruhi blinks, surprised. "What?" "I'm terrified of people because when I was younger my parents never cared to spend time with me, except when dressing me up for social events. I don't know how to handle conversations very well and I start to offend people so they just leave me alone since weakness is something people are looking for, only to pounce on it and use it to tear you apart. Being rich isn't the peachy life people seem to imagine. At least not for me... Me and Yuu.. the boy you saw me with.. we clicked in some way I can't really describe but.. I feel comfortable around him. Like I do around you... So.. do me a favour and don't disappoint me.", Imogen says. Her voice had been soft but Haruhi had still caught every word. The younger girl grabs the older girls hand, stopping her. "I'd like to be friends too.", Haruhi says with huge, sparkling eyes, making Imogen chuckle and squeeze her hand. "Alright. Welcome to the three member friendship club." Haruhi grins and let's go of Imogens hand. But after that bit they are now walking side by side. "What's with the different hairstyle by the way, senpai?" "You can call me Imogen, you know..? And also.. Yuu has a basketball game today that I'll go watch so I'll quickly change into my daily wardrobe after the last lesson and then make a run for it so I'll be there on time." "He invited you to watch him play?! He really does like you!" Imogen flushes deep red, making Haruhi laugh as the older girl covers her burning cheeks. "Oh shut up!"

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