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Yuu had entered the apartment building at around 5pm, making his way to the elevator and up to the fifth floor. Knocking at the door it is opened not much later and his face flushes. Before he can say anything he is pulled into the apartment and the door closed behind him as Imogens lips meet his. He kisses back, pulling her closer hesitantly.. after all.. she is wearing nothing but some bath robes. "I am going to finish up showering. I'll be right back, okay?" "Do you want help?" He didn't even think when speaking those words out loud, only to leave him a blushing mess. Chuckling Imogen shakes her head. "And what if I do?" She raises her eyebrows and he quickly covers his face. Even if she was his girlfriend he didn't want to rush her into things. "Yuu." He looks at her. "I don't mind. I really don't. I've made bad decisions in my lifetime but I know I won't regret dating you. Even though I was teasing, I really wouldn't mind neither having a shower or bath together nor having sex. As far as I know it's a part of dating. Relax." The boy sighs and wraps his arms around her. "I just don't want to rush things." Imogen smiles. "You know.. I was perfectly right calling you Mochi. I'll leave the door unlocked. Now if you'll excuse me I've got to get my hair washed." Sighing softly Yuu looks after her as she disappears into the bathroom. He couldn't help himself imagining just going inside and getting to touch his lovely girlfriend all over and it was making things.. problematic. Staring at the door once more he gets up and walks over there, opening it and stepping inside, closing it again behind him.

Monday's bad days. Yuu had stayed over for the rest of the weekend. And Imogen had loved every second of it. But it just felt weird to now go to school and be separated for most of the day again. Hand in hand the couple make their way onto the train, only to be spotted right away by Haruhi. The girl hurries over with a grin. "Morning, Senpai.", she grins and Imogen leans down to give her a hug with one arm. "Morning Kohei." Yuu raises his eyebrow. "Yuu. This is my friend Haruhi Fujioka." "But didn't you say your friend was a.. actually. Never mind. Nice to meet you, gal, pal, whatever." Haruhi laughs and shakes his hand. "Likewise, senpai. May I just say that the two of you make a highly adorable couple?" Yuu flushes and Imogen laughs, resting her head against his chest. "Thanks, Haru." The three of them together get off the train and make their way into the direction of their schools. "You don't wear heels today, senpai. And your hairstyle isn't as complicated as it usually is." She was right. Imogen had pulled up her hair and fixed it in place with a headscarf. "Yuu hid my heels and only told me where they are when we were at the trainstation. And he also stole my curlers." The boy grins at her as she playfully glares, pulling her into his side with his arm wrapped around her waist. She sighs softly and leans into his side. "I just don't want you to break your legs around here some day walking around on a daily with heels that high." Imogen rolls her eyes. "It's sweet how caring you are, Mochi, but they help making me taller and more intimidating to people so they don't bother me as much." "Any guys that are bothering you?" "Not in the way you might be thinking. My classmates want to talk to me but I don't have any earthly urge to do so. Most of them are looking for business partners and blackmail material and I don't fuck with that." Yuu snorts. "Even better. Now we don't have to get you a collar reading 'Yuu's property. Hands off if you want to keep them.'.." Both girls laugh and he just grins. Arriving at Ouran Haruhi already spots the host club but neither her nor her two senpais care. "See you later?", Imogen asks. Yuu nods. "Yumiko wants us home for dinner." "Sounds good to me." He leans down a bit and she gets on her tiptoes for a kiss. "Have fun at Basketball practice." "I will." Yuu pecks her cheek before jogging away leaving Imogen and Haruhi behind. The younger girl is smiling over both ears and Imogen laughs at her. "Come on. Let's go and get this over with." Turning towards the school she jumps back as a teary eyed face is right in front of hers, instinctively kneeing the boy in the chest and RKO-ing him. Haruhis jaw has dropped like most of those of the people watching while Imogen just stares at the wasted boy in the ground, clutching her hand to her chest. "Holy shit that scared me. What the hell?!", she yells catching her breath. Finally Haruhi breaks out in loud laughter. "Senpai! That was beautiful!" Imogen is still breathing heavily, then she too laughs. "I guess I at least proved my point when I said I could take care of myself.", she chuckles, poking the blond with her foot. "Get up, blondy. You are lying in the middle of the path! At least get over to the side or something." Stepping around him she moves towards the building, when his hand clamps around her ankle. "What?" "What was that?" "An RKO. A commonly used wrestling move, highly popular to it being the most popular finisher of American wrestler known as Randy Orton...", Imogen says bluntly trying to shake him off like one would with a piece of him stuck to their shoe, only to realise they'd have to scrape it off. "Nooo! Why was that boy so close to you?!" "Because he is my boyfriend. I'm dating him and we kissed. What's wrong with you, man?" She finally frees her leg. "You really shouldn't be dating someone at this young age and even less let him that close to you.." "I'm 17. There are countries where I could have been married already and pregnant with my fifth child. I'm dating him whether or not you like it. Who are you to try and control my life anyways?! If anything you really shouldn't be leading on a bunch of girls hoping to gain your actual interest." The boy freezes, clutching his chest. "Idiot.", Imogen mumbles under her breath as she walks away, Haruhi next to her. The twins too hurry after them, leaving the other hosts behind. Kyoyas pen cracks dangerously.
He couldn't even pretend that he didn't see the hickeys on her neck under her make up even if he wanted to. And jealousy was clawing deeply into his skin.

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