Chapter 十八

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Time seemed to be frozen as the events began to unfold. Hearts began to slow to a stop. Muscles started locking in place from the feet up to the head. Heavy weights seem to form on everyone's feet and their paws seemed to sink into the floor, never to be pulled free again. It was only for perhaps three or four seconds, but the time felt more like several long agonizing hours. Yes, time indeed seemed to be frozen, for no one moved, nor blinked, nor closed their mouths now gaped in horror. 

The same, alas, could not be said for Po. 

He was gasping from the weight for a few seconds before Tai Lung and a few other masters finally were able to move in his direction. Tai Lung reached the Dragon Warrior first and started trying to lift the club off. Due to his own injuries, it took some effort from the other masters to free Po. Po let out a heaving gasp when all the weight was taken off, though this didn't change anything. 

"Po! Talk to me buddy!" Monkey cried. "Are you okay?! Can you breathe?!"

Po gasped for air again as the remaining masters came over helping out a very injured Crane. Po gathered even more air before he finally spoke. " him." he croaked before slipping unconscious.  

"Nonononono! Po! Stay with us, Po! Please!"

The master's horrified cry echoed throughout the whole room, but mere sound waves could not reverse the damage done. Viper, who had been part of the group who freed Po, hugged the grieving Monkey tightly while trying not to cry herself. The room seemed to freeze again until a touch of venom cut through the air with the bitterest smell of death. 

"You...." Tigress seethed from far behind the group. "This is all YOUR fault!!!"

Within the next instant, she had sunk both her claws into Tai Lung's shoulder blades and yanked him back behind her. Too weak now to offer much defense, Tai Lung wound up falling to the floor and landing his neck hard on some of the broken debris. He let out a scream of agony while Tigress grabbed a nearby object to whack him through the walls and possibly down the mountainside. Fortunately, Shifu intervened by blocking her with his staff and then smacking her ankles when she tried to resist. 

"This is no one's fault!" he scolded. "And if anyone has to take the blame, you can pin it to me since I was the one who kicked the bowl." 

"You didn't know this would happen, master," Viper told him from by the rubble. 

"No. No one could see this." 

"If Tai Lung hadn't come back for vengeance-!" Tigress began to snarl from the floor. 

"We're no better than him at the moment," Shifu interrupted. "I had the full intent on injuring him and instead I caused a disturbance that's killed Po!" 

 Tai LUng gasped. His neck didn't feel right and he wasn't getting good air flow. "" 

SHifu quickly walked over and looked at the snow leopard's neck in concern. "Mantis, can you see if his neck is broken?" he asked worriedly. 

"Oh yes, check on him," Tigress snarled. "Don't bother with the man who was killed trying to fight him and SAVE THE VALLEY!"

She stood up and went charging at the two, preparing to sink her claws back into his shoulders, but Mantis quickly assessed the situation and jumped on her back. He then pinched a few nerves together, causing Tigress to fall to the ground and enter a near-unconscious sedated state. 

"We're all upset, Tigress," Mantis assured her. "But attacking Tai Lung won't bring Po back." 

Tigress growled. "I hate you," she mumbled. 

"You'll love me tomorrow when you haven't done something you'll regret," Mantis promised, gently patting her head. He then turned his attention to Tai Lung and examined the damage done. There was definitely a fracture, but fortunately it wasn't so bad that the smallest movement would kill him. Tai Lung was then lowered carefully to firmer ground so his neck could be re-positioned. He was also advised to not speak in case the movement upset something. 

"How are we going to tell Mr. Ping?" Crane asked as the room began to settle. 

"Perhaps we should tell him now," Shifu suggested. "Or early tomorrow morning. We know how he is about Po, so the sooner the better."

"I can go tell him tomorrow," Viper offered.

"Alright. Why don't you all help Po into his room then? I'll move Tigress so she can get some rest." 

"What about the world's worst master?" Tigress grumbled. 

"He can't move unless he wants trouble breathing." 

The masters then made their way over to help their poor friend out from the rubble and carried him over to the door. It took some effort to move the giant tortoise bowl out of the way since everyone was exhausted, but the task was soon done. Po and Tigress were then carried to the barracks. Tigress fell asleep, being quite overcome by the situation and not bothering to fight her nerve sedation. Po was carefully laid on his bed and everyone sat silently around it. In fact, Tai Lung was quite forgotten about until the following morning when Viper went to find Mr. Ping. Shifu sent Mantis down as well to get the doctor and then hurried back to find Tai Lung asleep. He looked like he had fallen asleep crying, and when Shifu woke him up and tried to make small talk, Tai Lung did his best to convey how sorry he was and that everything had just been a big misunderstanding. (A lot of hand gestures and paw holding was required since he wasn't allowed to talk). 

As was to be expected, Mr. Ping was horrified and in absolute despair when he heard about what had happened to Po. His first reaction was to toss pots and pans at Viper's head until she left the restaurant. By the time she and Monkey went down to check on him, the fury had dissipated into mind-numbing grief. The funeral was held outside the valley with everyone but Tai Lung in attendance. Understandably, everyone's mood was excessively foul and grieved, so Shifu thought it best to hide Tai Lung in a secret location to avoid anymore people trying to take out their wrath on him. 

Months passed. Then years.

When almost three years had gone by, Shifu decided to announce at dinner that he was inviting Tai Lung back home. "I know we're all still grieving about what happened to Po," he admitted. "But I think it's high time we all start giving Tai Lung another chance." 

"Where even is he?" Mantis asked. "We haven't seen him." 

In reply, Shifu simply gestured over to the door where Tai Lung quietly walked in. He looked around at the blank faces staring at him and gave a little nervous wave. 




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