Chapter 十九

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Tigress stared at Shen in surprise. She wasn't sure whether to laugh or feel disgusted at the offer. "I help you?" she repeated. "And what makes you think I won't just agree to this and then turn you in?"

"You're a mistress from a grand martial arts temple. I'm sure there's a code against lying."

"It's bendable depending on which enemy I'm going to crush." 

Lord Shen laughed heartily. "You're so vicious! I love it!" he exclaimed. 

Tigress simply gave him a dirty look. 

"You can give me that hard look all you want to, my dear, but I can guarantee you that whatever you choose, I'll get what I want." 

"I can see you've forgotten that Po can catch your weapons midair." 

"The cannonballs? No no, I quite remember. I know how to get around that problem now."

"If you think your new destructive machines will reap a different outcome than last time, the you're nothing but an old fool." 

Lord Shen scowled and narrowed his eyes in a terrible fury. "An old fool?" he repeated sharply as he carefully walked across the plank to the master. "An old fool?! Let me tell you, my dear about the countless research, work, and mental genius that this old fool put into these cannons!!! The natural charm and fear-inspiring commands used for controlling his army!!! The excellent battle strategies and detailed tactical maneuvers I put int to capture you not just once, but three times!!!

"And yet you've been bested all three times." 

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. You're still dangling over the edge, aren't you?" 

"I won't be for long." 

"What makes you so sure of that?" 

"I know my friends. You're no match for Po." 

"He doesn't know my secret weapon." 

"And that would be?" 

Shen was now right up to her face, outside the building, the ground miles below them. "My little secret," was his answer.

The two were silent, simply staring at the other. Tigress was thinking and Shen was busy pulling himself up to his full height to look intimidating. Finally Tigress said, "You have a lot of gall asking me for help." 

"I know masters are predictably reliable," Shen replied. "You wouldn't dare turn me in." 

"Perhaps not, but I could just as easily push you off this tower once I'm down." 

"And I can just as easily take you down with me." 

"I can land safely on anything." 

"I'll glide wherever I please and you'll lose track of me."

"Then you'll lose your precious little red flag." 

"And you'd lose me. And I'll come back to finish what I started." 

"Then I'll help Po track you down and finish you off." 

Lord Shen started to grin again. "Are you sure you don't want to work with me?" he asked. "We'd make such a great team, you and I." 

"I don't kill," Tigress spat. 

"Oh please. A refined warrior like you? I'm sure you have some filth on your hands." 

Tigress frowned but said nothing. 

"You know, this reminds me of the last time I had you chained up," Shen said with a smile. 

"You mean when you flirted with me and then attempted to kill me and my team over the open sea?"

"Naturally. You still have that same fighting spirit. I like that in a woman." 

Tigress snarled. "Well this woman doesn't take kindly to murder-happy psychopaths, and the second I get free, you'll be first on my list!" 

"Why not someone else with a real target on their foreheads, hmm? I'm sure there's someone in particular from your past you'd love to sink your claws into...." 

Tigress stopped frowning for a brief moment, only for her look to darken in thought. Shen smirked in triumph. A few moments passed by before Tigress said, "Sure. If you want to hide a bunch of deadly weapons and destroy all your opponents, go right ahead. I have quite a long list myself." 

Lord Shen grinned. "That's much better," he gloated. "Oh this will be such a fun partnership!"

"It would be if you actually had somewhere to hide," Tigress pointed out. 

"The Zhoulin Mountain Pass will do just fine. 30 years or banishment will make you quite used to freezing temperatures." 

The peacock puled out a blade and expertly sliced the rope with one swing, cutting Tigress loose. The master landed expertly on the extended platform and stood up to face her now-former captor. 

"So," she said flatly. "What do I need to do?"

"Jump!" Po yelled from below. 

Lord Shen did a double-take but had no time to react as Tigress leaped high into the air and Po flew up and violently kicked the platform. The wooden board cracked and sent Shen plummeting to the ground below. He tried to glide away, but was intercepted by Monkey and Shifu who quickly tied his tail together. Above, Tigress flew past where the platform once was and grabbed hold of Po's sandals with her good arm. She was then flung into the open window and used her strength to pull Po after her. 

"You wicked lying temptress!" Shen bellowed up, in physical pain and visible anger at being caught. "We had a bargain!"

"You really should learn the difference between Tigress being serious and Tigress being sarcastic," Po called down. "It's so deadpan you can mix them up." 

Shen scowled but said nothing. 

"Thanks for the heads-up, Po," Tigress said. "How'd you find me so fast?"

"Viper told us what happened," Po explained. "She said she was at the training hall when Shifu showed up so she came and got us. You were flying away just as we arrived." 

"Good for me then. Where is she?" 

"In the barracks watching Tai Lung. Shen hurt him pretty bad." 

Tigress gave him a shocked look. "Wait a minute, he's still alive?!" she cried. "How?!" 

"Apparently he managed to crawl into the Jade Tortoise right before Shen blew up the training hall. Oh, get this: Viper knew he was here the whole time. They met outside the valley months ago and started hanging out until they decided Shifu should know about it." 

Tigress still had a stunned look on her face, but quickly pushed any confused thoughts to the side. "Well thanks for the help," she said. "You made quite an entrance." 

"You too," Po complimented. "Not gonna' lie, you sounded pretty convincing with the whole "I got some guys on my hit list" thing." 


The two began to walk out of the tower to rejoin their friends when Po stopped to look at one of the cannons. "What should we do with these things?" he questioned aloud.

"Why not give them to Shen?" Tigress suggested as she began to leave the room. "He could use a prison-warming gift." 

"Po laughed and followed her down the stairs by the door. "Very funny, Tigress," he said. 



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