Chapter 五

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Tai Lung could feel the scorching heat begin to singe the furs on his back, but by the time it completely crashed to the floor, he was just ahead of the burning rubble. The smoke blew rapidly towards the back of the house and began to engulf the snow leopard, blinding him and filling his lungs. Tai Lung could feel the heat burning him outside and in, and he braced against the pain as best he could. If he could keep on just a little longer, then he'd be out. 

Tai Lung tried to cough more smoke out of his lungs and desperately started searching for any fresh air. At last, he  came to the back of the house which had caught flame and was beginning to crack under the fiery disaster. Gathering what was left of his strength, the snow leopard leaped at the back wall and gave it a mighty kick. The structure almost immediately crumbled under the pressure and Tai Lung found himself sailing out of the house. He landed on soft dirt and rolled over a little to stay away from the flame-engulfed house where he immediately began coughing and gasping for fresh air. 

That was a little close for comfort, he thought as he took in more air. I think when I get my energy back, it'll be better if I vanish. We don't need anymore houses catching on fire. 

Tai Lung wasn't tired in anyway. He had run that fast before and could keep up his stamina for a long period of time. However, burning wood and suffocating smoke can knock the wind out of even the toughest of masters, and the stings have no prejudice against the type of person in their vicinity. The snow leopard began to steady his breathing and felt the relief of fresh air enter his lungs. Once he had rested himself, he moved to get to his feet and leave before anymore trouble came up. 

"Are you okay?" 

Startled, Tai Lung looked up to see who the voice belonged to. Not even a foot off the ground stood Mantis giving him a look that seemed mixed with concern and suspicion. Tai Lung resisted the urge to scoot backwards and simply started getting to his knees. 

"Um...yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," he told the master as his arms shook trying to aid him. (No doubt it was from the lack of air in the building). "I'm sorry I disturbed everyone. I'll get going." 

As he got to his feet, Mantis said, "Yeah, not going to happen." 

Tai Lung looked at him, then looked around as if expecting someone else to pop out from the trees in front of him. "Look, I apologize for being a disturbance. I only meant to have a civil-"

"Shifu's on the look-out for you," Mantis continued, interrupting him mid-explanation. "And not in a good way." 

Tai Lung glanced back towards the top of the Jade Palace and frowned. "I figured as much," he agreed. 

"I'll explain more on the way, but if you don't want to be Wuxi Fingered again, I suggest you follow me." 

He then proceeded to walk into the forest and Tai Lung wasted no time following after him. He wasn't sure if it was a trap or not, but Mantis' presence indicated the remaining masters were close by and Tai Lung figured that any direction was a death trap anyway. Plus he wasn't in the mood for another villager to to try and subdue him by accidentally setting another house on fire.

Mantis led the former master through the bamboo forest, far beyond the panicked cries of the villagers. 

"Won't your friends miss you?" Tai Lung asked. "Don't they need help back there?"

"Crane and Monkey are taking care of the fire while the others are interviewing the villagers to find out what happened. They won't notice." 

The two walked a little farther away before Tai Lung spoke back up with, "Why are you helping me?"

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