Part 7

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Rolling out of bed and wanting to break my cellphone that continues to blare at me to wake up I check the time 5am. I know I know perfect time for a jog right? WRONG, it's Saturday and for some odd reason Mr. York thinks meetings should be at 7am on a Saturday. My presentations have been prepared since Thursday afternoon but I wanted to wake up extra early to go over them one more time. After going through each slideshow and ensuring that I have enough paper formats of the presentation, I switch my coffee pot on and proceed to the shower. My shower is pretty much my sanctuary, it's where I mentally prepare for all my big meetings, my singing studio although my voice sounds slightly more unpleasant than a fork being scratched on a plate and where I do my most thinking. Something about water that feels like it's burning off my skin really gets those creative juices flowing.

Now to the most important part, choosing the perfect outfit. The night before I picked out three different outfits...what a girls gotta prepare. I chose to go with the grey knee length pencil skirt, a black blouse and the matching blazer of course paired with my beloved black louboutins and I'm set. I styled my hair in a low bun with a few of my ringlets framing my face, I always go light on makeup so a bit of mascara and tinted chapstick with a splash of blush and I'm ready. I check the time 6:25am perfect, I finish my coffee, brush my teeth one last time for good luck and grab my keys off the key hook.

As I fire up my car I decide that a little bit of gangstas paradise by Coolio is the perfect way to start this morning. I'm not sure if I'm more excited to prepare York realty's marketing or to meet the mysterious Mr. York himself. I keep picturing him as some greasy old man that has a lazy eye and a thing for young girls, guess I'll see any minute as I've just arrived.

I enter the magnificent building that was constructed and is owned by York realty, and let me say my research did not do this place justice. I've never known a realty company to have a chandelier in the lobby but who am I to judge. The receptionist calls up to Mr. York's office to let him know that I'm here, she hands me over a key card and instructs me to go to the 27th floor. I take a look around the elevator and honestly, I am in awh. The rear of the elevator is windows and you can see the city beneath you each level you go up, when I finally reach the 27th floor the view is amazing. The final remnants of a sunrise are slowly dissolving as I stare out.

I step out of the elevator and am greeted by.."Hey T! ready to meet the boss?" yes Katrina. I didn't even hear her or see her leave this morning, if I'm here by 10 to 7 what time did she even get here. "Hi Katrina, yes I am more than prepared. Will you be sitting in on the meeting as well" I mentally kick myself of course she is. "Yes, I'll be taking notes and ensuring that the rest of the marketing department is listening to you. I guess you can say you aren't only presenting to the boss but also showing these dead beats what a real marketer does" she says with a smile. I was wondering to myself why such a successful company was outsourcing its marketing, I guess I now know. "Great, shall we" I motion for her to lead the way to the boardroom.

I walk in and scan the faces, they all look relatively young, none of them screaming out that they're Mr. York but I do catch Xaviers face, weird must be a family company. Of course he's still as gorgeous as ever and he shoots me a heart stopping grin. Katrina introduces me to everyone and shows me where I can set up. "So where's Mr. York?" I whisper to Katrina. "Oh he's in here, he'll let you know which one is him when he's ready" she whispers back. Alright this guy is giving me the creeps but he's paying me and the company I am apart of a lot of money.

I begin going over the first two phases of my marketing strategy, showing how cost efficient strategies although overlooked should not be. I heard a few groans when I first stated updated business cards. "These things are obsolete, why would you even bring this up?" asked one man that reminded me a bit of a young Mr. Burns the rest of the team grunted in agreement, all but Xavier that is. "Business cards can be thought of as the face of your company, look in your wallet and see how many cards from other businesses that you currently hold in there. Quite a few right, now take a look at the ones that are the most worn that you can't possibly seem to part with. The quality of them are impeccable correct?" I ask the group. They all begin looking through the cards in their wallets and nod their heads in agreement. "Although they may seem obsolete they are quite far from it, they remain a necessity in business and having an impeccable business card will make sure York realty cards aren't thrown out when we clean out our wallets". Damn I'm good.

The presentation continues with me showing samples of different card stocks and designs that I have come up with as well as going over updated brochures. I highlight the need for advertising at all times, if they want clients to choose them, York realty has to choose itself. Concluding the presentation I always leave time for questions and comments but it appears that nobody has any. I begin packing up my presentation and can't help but think Mr. York is a total dickwad, he's sitting right in front of me and can't let himself be known. Just then I'm startled by Katrina "looks like you impressed the boss T, Mr. York will see you now". Hold up this reminds me vaguely of a book I read but I can't quite put my finger on it. "Perfect, I've just finished packing my things up" I beam. "Let's get to it girl, this way" I follow Katrina down a brightly lit hall to two large cherry wood doors. "Go in, he's expecting you" Katrina offers me a small smile and walks away.

I open the door, step into the office and what do I see? The back of a damn chair. This man is messing with me right, does he really have to take it this far. "I'm impressed, I knew you were good but that was great. I see why you come highly recommended" said a sultry masculine voice from behind the chair. The voice sounds oddly familiar though. "Thank you Mr. York I truly appreciate the opportunity" and with that the chair spins around and it's f**king Xavier.

A/N: DUN DUN DUN, cliffhanger or what?!?! I hope you enjoyed the chapter please comment and vote. THANKS!!!!


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