Arms Up

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After stating my name and business I walk into Captain Levi's office. It's clean and dimly lit with a few candles around the room.

"Thanks for the beat up." I look around the room as I walk towards the chair in front of his desk.

"Where'd you learn to fight cadet?" He asks while he looks down at his paperwork.

"Oh, back at home I had to defend myself." I sit down in the seat and start fidgeting with my hands

"That one move where you jumped over me." He stops doing his paperwork and looks up at me. "Where'd you learn that one?"

"Um...I don't know. I kind of just did it."

"What if it hadn't worked out?"

"It did didn't it?" I ask annoyance in my voice

"Yeah, just like the jump kick with Eren." He goes back to working on his paperwork. "(y/n), why are you so...reckless?" He continues to look down at his work. I raise an eyebrow and cross both my arms and legs.

"Why's it-" I get cut off by him shooting his head up and looking up at me.

"Don't say it. Give me an actual reason." He shoots me a glare before going back to the papers.

"I don't know Captain, I do things and through luck, I guess, they work." I'm tapping my foot as I get increasingly annoyed with each question he asks me.

"Hm...and have you ever had something backfire on you?"

"Not that I can" I look down at my lap as I ask myself the same question. Why can't I remember anything I do impulsively going wrong? 

"(y/n)...get up." I raise an eyebrow but don't hesitate as I get up from the chair. He leads me outside and motions for me to get into my fighting stance.

"Um sir, I was already beat up once by you today. So, I think I learned whatever lesson it is you wanted to teach me."

"Cadet arms up."

Getting in my stance I feel my hands start to shake and my breathing increase. Sounds become louder and the breeze seems to pick up. My eyes widen as the Captain throws a punch straight at me. Without hesitation, I grab his hand and everything seems to stop as I look into his now widened grey eyes. Not a second passes and he's on the ground. An odd sensation rushes over me and I fall to my knees my whole body shaking. 

[Hey! Short chapter I know I know butttt I don't know where to go from here :/. I have to write and rewrite the next chapter so I just ended it here. What do you think about this so far? Is the relationship too slow? too fast? LET ME KNOWWWWW K ttyl!]

Levi x Reader - Her Reckless BehaviourWhere stories live. Discover now