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I shoot up in bed taking a deep breath of air. How is he still alive? I KILLED HIM!

"(y/n)?" a tired Levi rubs his eyes as he sits in a chair in the dark corner.

"What is it with you and corners?" my voice barely a whisper. He walks over to me as I try to sit up grunting in pain.

"Don't," he lays me back down and sits on the edge of the bed running a hand through his hair, "Idiot," he mutters under his breath and I let out a sigh turning my head to look out the window.



"We're back at HQ?"


"Hm," I settle back into my pillow and close my eyes. They snap open when all I see is the hooded figure and seeing it makes me sit back up. My breathing increases and the pain from the injuries disappears. I'm taken back to that moment where I couldn't do anything. I feel a hand on me but I shudder making the owner of the hand quickly remove it. I feel myself shaking at the fact that I know who was under that hood. The way he grimaced and his voice. But, I thought I killed him? Why is he back? Then the tears start flowing. Really? The last thing I need right now.

"I-i killed him! Why is he back?" Anger rises in my voice but the tears continue to fall.

"Who?" Levi places his hand on my back but I don't want to be touched,

"Don't touch me!" I say angrily looking into his widened grey eyes. All they resonate is fear and worry but I don't care.

"(y/n)? What's wrong?"

"Stop! Just stop!" I grip my ribs, must be broken or something. "Just stop talking," I look down at my legs, "Please," my voice cracks and my eyes water again. He gets up and walks out softly closing the door behind him. I look up at the door, tears falling and I let myself fall back onto my pillow.

What does it mean?

How is he still alive?

How did you survive...Noah?

I fall asleep only to dream of Noah. My own brother turned against me. I thought we were family and he just...betrayed me. There was nothing I could do to make my family love me. I just wanted to feel loved by at least one of them. Noah always despised me but I tried to smile past it. We would fight but I thought it was just playful even when I would get a bloody nose or a fractured arm. I always thought we were playing. Just thinking about how naive I was brings a smile to my face.

Oh Noah, lucky for me you didn't teach me what I know.

I allow myself to rest knowing that when I wake up I will be at one hundred percent.

"Um, (y/n)? Why are you smiling like that?" asks Hange with an awkward laugh. I slowly open my eyes and look at her, keeping the smile.

"Just feeling a lot better," I tell her, throwing the sheets off my legs and standing up to stretch. "I'm going to go take a shower. You don't need me today right?" I ask my back to her as I face the door.

"Nope, you're good to go train if you want," I hear her smile even though I'm not looking at her.

"Got it," I leave and head towards my room fidgeting with my hands on the way back.

"Hey, (y/n)!" I hear Eren shout from behind me. I turn on my heal and give him a smile and a wave.

"Hi, Eren. How's it going?"

"It's going good. How was your training...experiment? I don't know what to call it," he awkwardly places a hand on his head and I shoot an eyebrow up but lower it so he doesn't notice.

"It was okay! I got the self destruction thing down! So it was more so training,"

"What! That's awesome!" I give him a nod, "Well I have to go meet Hange, I'll see you later!" he quickly runs off after I give him a wave.

I close my door behind me and I sigh. Sliding down my door head in my hands. After another frustrated sigh I look up from my hands to find another note on my desk. Ignoring it I head into the bathroom to shower wanting to get the dirt of my body. I sit at my desk, towel drying my hair as I look at the envelope with my name on it, Levi has very nice handwriting. I finish drying my hair and place my towel on the back of the seat. I'm holding the envelope in my hands as I'm about to open it when a knock at the door makes me jump.

"Come in!" I place the envelope down and look up at the window before turning around to see who's at the door. "Oh," I stand up and face Levi. His glance goes towards the envelope on my desk then back to me.

"Did you open it?" I shake my head and he walks over to me pulling me into a hug and I wrap my arm around his waist allowing my head to sink into his chest. I push away and look up at him my arms still around his waist.

"I'm sorry for earlier," I quickly glance at the floor and look up at him. I pucker my lips realizing that it might not have been today and I place a hand on the back of my head, "Or yesterday? I don't know when it happened." I hear him chuckle slightly and I sit back at my desk to put my boots on while he sits in front of me on my bed.

"Are you training already?"

"Mhm, Hange said I could so," I shrug adjusting my boots.

"Alright," he stands up and places a soft hand on my head before giving me a quick smile and heading out. I open the letter to find it was simply him accepting my apology. I roll my eyes at the fact that he knew I would apologise oh Levi.


Levi x Reader - Her Reckless BehaviourWhere stories live. Discover now