Feeling Better?

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I wake up to an empty room and the sound of the shower running. I lay on my back looking up at the ceiling. I let out a groan as I place an arm over my eyes letting the tiredness kick in.

"Get up, you have training today," I ignore him keeping my arm over my eyes. His footsteps get closer until they stop and he's at my bed, "Cadet," I groan again as I look up at him squinting my eyes, I really need to get curtains. I get out of bed and simply stand there lost in thought but at the same time, not really thinking about anything.


"Hm?" I continue to stand there staring at the empty wall in front of me. He waves his hand in front of me trying to get my attention. Finally snapping out of it I look up and try to give him a smile and a slight head tilt. I head off to get ready but he grabs my wrist. I continue to face away from him and he must be facing away too because I don't hear him move.

"How are you doing?" He slowly softens the grip on my wrist and I hear his shoes on the wood floor. Knowing he's looking at me I look down at the floor and give him a shrug.

"Um," I use the other hand to rub the back of my head and without saying anything I feel his grip loosen. I let out a sigh and apologise under my breath before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

I come out of the bathroom to an empty room, he must have left while I was in the shower. Taking a seat at my desk i'm brushing my hair into a ponytail when there's a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

"Hey (y/n)," I turn around to face a smiling Eren.

"Oh hey, Eren. What's up?" I stand up brushing back my fly aways before placing the brush on the desk.

"Oh nothing," He gives me an awkward smile, "Just wanted to check in on you. Armin says you weren't at training yesterday."

"Yeah, I wasn't feeling too good," I shrug and place my hands in my pockets.

"Oh, okay. Feeling better?"

"Yeah, a lot better," I give him an awkward laugh and lean back on my heels.

"(y/n)? Can I ask you something?" he looks down at the floor his voice soft.

"Yeah, Eren, go ahead," I say, removing my hands from my pockets and casually placing them on my hips.

"Um... what's with you and the captain?" The question takes me by surprise and I have to tell myself to not let my mouth fall.

"There's nothing going on," I puff up my cheeks to prevent myself from smiling before I continue talking, "With me and the Captain," I scratch the back of my head.

"Mhm? But when you're not at training he's not there either,"

"And? He's a busy man i'm sure," I cross my arms and lean on one leg.

"Oh, I'm sure," He watches me with a smirk, "He's a lucky guy," he gives me a wink before quickly walking out,

"Eren!" I let out a frustrated grunt before grabbing my jacket and running out into the hallway. Where I smack into a hard chested Levi, I lose my balance and fall back into my room.

"Oh come on," I mutter, rubbing my forehead.

"What was that?"

"I just said-"

"No, why was Eren here," he extends his hand out to help me up and I take it adjusting my uniform once I'm up.

"Oh he was just checking in on me," I close my door and start walking down the hallway.

"I see," we arrive at the dining hall where we go our separate ways. I sit at my table to find a grinning Eren. I give him a glare before looking down at my bowl with a small smile.

"Anyone know what we're doing today?" I ask looking up and around the table.

"Nope," Says Sasha with a mouthful of bread.

"Sasha," I go to say something but instead I just give her a smile and a chuckle, "Well, I hope its something fun," I say placing a piece of bread in my mouth.

"Yeah me too," says Jean enthusiastically.

Once breakfast is over we head outside to find out what training has in store for us today. After running a few laps we are told to put on our ODM gear and meet at the forest behind HQ.

"Hange must be busy today," I tell Eren noticing we're both at training.

"Yeah she probably wanted us to get in some training,"

"I suppose," I give him a shrug before aiming my hooks at the nearest tree. 

[This chapter was almost 2k words so I cut it a bit ;) ttyl]

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