1 / Overboard

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"Hyejoo, your chauffer is here"

She walk down the stairs carefully and let the man load her suitcase. She was very excited and impatient, wanting to reach the airport faster than ever. No, more like she wanted to reach the States already.

Over the past 2 years she's been dating her fiancé, she started to like him a lot and cant wait for their matrimonial ceremony. She wanted to go there by private jet with him, not that they couldnt afford it but her fiancé kept debating he had to left earlier because he had some bussiness to take care of. Hyejoo knew he had no bussiness partner so she assume he wanted to prepare for a surprise event so she jog merrily.

"Are you that excited?", her mother ask her and open her arms as she snuggle upon her mother's warm embrace.

"Very! When are you guys coming?"

You must have think why didnt they just get on the plane together. The ceremony was still a month away and Hyejoo wanted to spend time in the States first and gets comfortable around the places. She didnt even tell her fiancé she's going there early too but she wanted to surprise him. Maybe a little knick-a-knack time wont hurt, a pre-honeymoon as they call it.

She excitedly enter the plane after clearing all of her bags and passport. Her face fell as soon as she realized she didnt get the First Class. How is she supposed to survive with a huge crowd on a crowded room? She hated whoever was taking the room before her and blame the person that was booking the ticket for her. They shouldve known she hated to be squished among others.

She annoyedly sat on the seat which was nearest to the toilet and it couldnt be worst. She puff her cheeks and block her nose from getting any bad smells that may occur.

A few minutes later right before they board the plane, Hyejoo calls out the air hostess.

"Excuse me, may I ask who is on the first class?"

"I'm sorry mam! Thats a privacy we cant reveal"

She roll her eyes and take out her laptop wishing to finish atleast one movie before she fell asleep.


After Jung Wooyoung passed his crowded fans who were trying to get in contact with him at all cost, he sigh in relieve. Never had he so has many fans waiting for him in the airport and he smirk, taking out his sunglasses and put them on before entering the place.

He went straight to the first class and sat comfortably there, his manager sat a few seat away from him. He ordered a drink and flirt with the air hostess who blush like a madwoman.

The flight was going to be 24 hours so he had a lot of time to have fun and do whatever he want. But first he need to pee and the toilet in the first class seems to have been blocked.

"What kind of service is this?"
He whisper yell, making his manager to heaved a sigh. He was too stubborn and acted high for his own good.

With more curse, he came out from the first class and make his way towards the toilet on the next room.

Hyejoo's eye caught someone coming out from the first class and she instantly close her laptop and sit up straight. She glare right in the eye of the male who came out too fancy and jazz like is he trying to host a disco party in the plane?

"Why dont you use the first class?", She blurred out even before he could open the toilet and he look down in annoyance.

"Do you think I'll come to this discusting public toilet if it works?", Wooyoung snap and glare back at the girl, folding his arm.

"It didnt work? What a blessing for stealing the first class away from me"

"Excuse me? When was it your's?"

"Until you steal it away from me duh!"

Wooyoung eyed her up and down. The flawless face and the radiating, glowing peach skin and her well shaved legs, he started drooling.

"If you want to be on the first class so much, why dont you join me?"

Hyejoo scoff and if not for the safety belt around her waist, she would have already knocked him out. She hate guys like him, disrespectful and mannerless while on the other she grew with a manner and politeness. But she can be a mouthful at times.

Wooyoung suddenly remembered why he came out in the first place so he open the toilet and went in there. A smirk run up on Hyejoo's lips and she quietly unclick her safety belt and sneak out. Carefully pacing towards the toilet and lock from the outside. She mentally high-five herself and went back to her seat as though she didnt do anything and plug her headphone in.

After Wooyoung banged the toilet from the inside for 10 minutes, someone who wanted to go the toilet thankfully open it for him and shriek in shock seeing the man stuck inside.

Wooyoung came out all flush red and glare at Hyejoo who open one of her eyes and blew a kiss at him.

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