25 / Confusion

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"What do you mean you've given up on searching for my daughter?"

"Sir, we tried everything but we cant trace anything since the metre box on the plane was destroyed"

"DESTROYED? How did an accident like that happened?"

"We are still investigating"

"But you said you stopped searching for them!"

"The authority did tell us to stop but Hyejoo is not just a daughter of the man I respected the most, she is my friend as well. I will do everything in my power to take this case to the bottom of it"

Mr.Shin sigh and cup his face.

"It has been 4 months. Where could my sweet sugar be?"

"I will find her Sir, please trust me"

"I know you will Hongjoong"

The forest was most dangerous at midnight as no one utter a word for an hour. They just stood still and stare at the monster on the ground that was waiting for one of them to fall.

So they didnt sleep. Afraid that they would fall and being a kid he was, Yechan became sleepy and Hyejoo feel so pity for him.

"Yechan, come closer! I'll hold you so that you dont fell down while sleeping"

The boy did as she said and in a few minute, he was fast asleep.

She knew that Wooyoung had a lot of question so she began telling him about what she know. He listen to her carefully and concentrate on her.

"You have lost weight", he blurred out of nowhere and Hyejoo stopped talking. Wooyoung wanted to reach up to her and hold her, let her sleep in his arms again and he would do anything to make it happen.

"The villagers didnt fed me like a king unlike someone", she didnt mean it in a cruel way but realized how wrong her words sound and open her mouth but Wooyoung interupted.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldnt have done that. Shouldnt have gone with that disgusting woman..."

"No Wooyoung!", she quickly stopped him before he ranted out too much disturbing words.

"You made the right choice. Without you, we couldnt have escaped from there. And I didnt mean it like that, I'm the one who is sorry"

"I...we didnt even escape. I brought you into something more dangerous than there"

Hyejoo smile briefly before clearing her throat.

"You're wrong Wooyoung. Anywhere without you is more dangerous. The beast maybe preying on us right now but I am more at ease than when I am safely back there in that village"

"When did you become so good at words?"

They both laugh. She didnt know when did she became so good either or how was she able to let out all those cringy words. She knew Wooyoung will be teasing her a lot because of it in the future again.

If that future exists.

They sang, talked and tell stories in turn. It wasnt going to be long before the beast went back to sleep so they started preparing.

Never in their life have they ever thought they'll be fighting against a big ugly monster living on the forest who wants nothing but to rip them apart.

The sun was starting to rise behind the mountain and Wooyoung sprinted his eyes. Hyejoo woke up Yechan who rub his eyes sleepily and yawn.

Wooyoung gasp and stood up on the branch.

"Hyejoo!", he exclaim.

"What is it?", she also stood up in alarm and glance at the way Wooyoung was looking.

There was a road a few killometres away across the forest. A metallic road to be exact.

They laugh in joy and glance down where they didnt see the beast.

"It has gone to sleep lets leave now. Maybe we can make it there in two hours if we are fast enough"

They nod and head down. They have done it a lot so outsmarting the beast was their least worry. If them, who has been staying for only a fews months would know the routine of the beast, the villagers probably already knew about it as well.

They needed to hurry before they continue searching for them so they slightly ran, which could be refered to as walk race.

A little more than one hour had pass when they see the road in the far distance. Smile started to formed up in their face as they hold hands. No sound of the villagers nor the beast could be heard on their back as they keep their pace.

A little more walking when their leg started to give in that the road was finally on their reach. They jump up and down in joy as they hug each other.

"We made it! Oh my god!"

"Finally we are free!"


They cheers as they grab on the road railing and climb over.

Once they are on the road, the sun was already making its way a little higher, about the time to have a breakfast as a smile never leave their faces.

Instantly Hyejoo stop smiling and look from left to right making Wooyoung worry with her expression.

"Whats wrong?", he ask her a little panicking.

"What now? Do we go left or right?"


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