2 / Crashing

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It was pass midnight when Wooyoung wake up from him deep slumber and felt the airplane shaking. He push it off at first and swayed in beat with the force. A few minutes later he felt the plane was shaking too much and open the curtain to his window and stare outside. Clouds were forming but unlike the white pure clouds, they were black and grey. He blink his eyes and rub them thinking he must be insane when he sees fire outside but no, it was the west wing caught on fire. He stood and tries to get a better view when the auto pilot speak through the speaker to notify everyone to stay calm, but how could they at the moment? The plane was shaking and turning so much to the points the tables used for serving dinners were crashing and collasping against each other.

There were tons of schreeching sounds from the public class and using the bar and wall on the sides he push himself towards them and open the door. What he saw was a pure mess, everything was a mess and some were using the oxygen mask that came down from the top. He started losing his breath as well until they heard a loud bang and the airplane sprinted off towards the ground. The last thing they hear is the pilot speaking on the radio.

Mayday Mayday Mayday


Hyejoo wake up to the wave rocking her back and forth. The last thing she remembered was the plane shaking and something hit her head, more like a suitcase falling from the ceiling. She touch her head and it wasnt bleeding anymore however they were traces of dry blood and she look around.

She was in the middle of nowhere, in an ocean and she panick. She knows how to swim but the scene was too dreadful. There were pieces of the crashed plane everywhere, old clothes and boots. She even see some body swinging back and forth like how she previously was but she dont know if they are still alive.

She wanted to cry but she knows it isnt the right time to cry. She need to get to safety first and maybe she can contact her parents and they'd come with private jets to rescue her. She facepalm herself when she realized how could she think of that when all of her device probably got wrecked by the water? She couldnt even find her cell phone and much worst, she was left with nothing other than the clothes she is wearing and the small piece of the plane which saved her life.

The sun was beeming up high in the sky and the sound of the wave dancing from the east and west, hinting how countless body lie in its body and the lost girl who was waiting for her death while letting the wave brought her to the end. Hyejoo just stare at the sky not even knowing whats the time but judging by her grumbling stomach and sun already very high in the middle, she could only assume that it was already noon.

She just wanted to drown herself like everybody else and maybe that will be better for her knowing she cant survive alone in the wide pacific ocean anyways.

All of a sudden, she heard screaming from the distance and she perk up in alarm hoping to meet atleast another one survival. It came from the far distance and using her small petite hands she pedal herself towards the sound and froze once she came in contact with what seems like an island.

The island was somewhat beautiful yet drought. Trees were lining up beautifully as if they were planted carefully by a living beings. Fruits and flowers were blooming and the most interesting thing was the high mountain in the distance which was pointed higher up towards the sky.

She heard the scream again coming from the island and her heartbeat fastened. She used all of her energy to let herself reach the island and once she reach the sand, tears were forming in her eyes and she grab the sand as if they were the most precious thing ever.

Suddenly she feels scared. What if the screams she heard were just a trick preying her to be eaten? What if it was a wild animal or a cannibal? She started to regret but when the person scream again for the last time before it went completely silent, Hyejoo relized that the person was screaming in her language which means they were probably from the same plane.

With a heavy heart she pace deeper in the trees and saw a big piece of the plane hovering over a pitiful body. It was a boy and his legs were stuck but he was alive. Hyejoo started praying hopeful that atleast she was not alone.

She quickly walk towards him and check if he have any other injuries. Just like her, there were cuts and wounds on his face and shoulder making his facial feature dissapear and so she try to call out his name which she didnt even know. 'Ahjussi will be polite but he look like my age?'

He lost all of his energy from screaming so much that made him probably tired. Hyejoo was about to tap him when he insigh a deep breathe without opening his eyes and open his mouth ready to scream again making Hyejoo in panick so she cup his mouth leaving him to muffle a small cry only.

"Wild animals will hear you and we'll end up being their next meal so calm your dick"

Stranded - Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now