6 / Fish

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"I dont think we will ever be found", Hyejoo sulkily watch the sky for the millionth times.

They could only hope someone does not give up on them and Hyejoo hoped that person is her fiancé. 'He must be so worried now', she thought and cant help about the marriage that was supposed to happen a week ago. What would her parents feel and most of all, how would her friends feel? She miss them a lot and she was close with them more than her parents and she suddenly feel nostalgic rushing up her veins and cry a bit.

"Hey poop face, come down and help me"

Hyejoo's sadness was suddenly washed away and heave a sigh at the voice. 'So much for ruining my mood'.

She decided to go down from the small hut they built one month ago and lazily walk towards Wooyoung.

"What is it?", she asked.

"I know where to catch some fish, hurry up and help me make some bait if you dont want to eat fruits for the rest of your life".

"I know woman! jeez cant you see I'm coming", Hyejoo scream after him earning pieces of leaves and dirt thrown at her.

"Call me woman again and I will..."

"You will what Wooyoung? I cant hear you"

Do they even realized at sometimes that their life is at risk and that they might actually have to die on the island alone? They never stopped fighting like 3 years old kids eversince the moment they met each other and it seems like they never plan on stopping so soon.

"The fishes probably ran away because of your scream", Hyejoo scold Wooyoung as soon as they reach the fishing spot and unlike what Wooyoung said before, there were no fish to be found.

Hyejoo might be right, Wooyoung's dying scream probably scared the fishes away when he fell into the water a moment ago. The same clothes they wore month ago was still worn by them and at this time, they dont care about being half naked in front of each other anymore.

Hyejoo look around the salty ocean and carefully grip on her pointy stick. "There!", she scream and swung the stick towards it, missing the fish clear and beautifully earning another teasing session from Wooyoung.

"Thats not how you catch fish Ms Hyejoo", Wooyoung snicker and came forward next to her and watches some fish moving in their spot. It probably must be the best spot since there are atleast a quarter half a dorzon of fishes swaying from left to right.

"Fine! Than catch one for me Mr-know-it-all"

Wooyoung scoff and aim his stick at the fish and swung forward only to fell inside the water again and failing miserably.

"You only talk a lot!", Hyejoo scold him and she try again, until the sun set.

The two descriptions of 'giving up' came back home after trying to catch fish for the whole evening. They both couldnt believe how worst they are at fishing and keep on paying respect to the fishermen once in while, hoping to get an unknown blessing somewhere.

"You know what, Wooyoung?"

"Surprise me"

"Even if we catch the fish, are you trying to feed me raw? Have it ever come across your mind that we have no fire here?"


"Knew it you poop head"

"Come again poop face!"

"Atleast I have eyebrows unlike someone even if my face look like a poo"

"Fuck you I thought we're over that! I have eyebrows Ms Shin!"

"I know, especially now that your trimmed hair started growing again, might as well welcome your beard too very soon"

"Oh my god! my fans are going to freak out if they ever see me like this", Wooyoung groan and take a peek at his face in a glass they collect from the piece of the plane that crashed with him.

"Yeah right, that is even if they see you again"

"Stop being so negative Hye!"

"Stop giving me false hope Woo! We both know no one is coming for us at this rate".

They both stay quiet for a while and just listen to the nature speaking. The birds and insects crying in the distance make them feel like they're not alone for some reason and it soothe them down a bit.

"What would you do first if we ever get off from this island", Wooyoung suddenly turn serious and glance at Hyejoo. She seems to be dozing off and Wooyoung laugh at himself, probably ashamed to be talking to a sleeping person.

"I would eat the best hamburger ever known", however she was not asleep and mumble out. Thinking about it even make her stomach grumble and saliva form in her mouth.

"What about you?", she asked.

"Go to my parents and tell them how much I love them and that I never meant everything I said the last time I saw them"

Stranded - Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now